Saturday, December 29, 2012

Road Runner

Hi friends,

Having heard through various friends and through Facebook, Road Runner is a fairly new delivery service initiated by some very clever person. The whole idea is to call them up, or use the order tab form on their Facebook page, and place your order. The best part is that it's not just delivery for food, but they can also bring medicines, movie tickets, books, grocery shopping and a whole lot more.

I ordered food from Cafe Zouk last night, and from the minute I completed the placement of my order, the food was on my table in 50 minutes, which is very efficient and quick.

Road Runner charges Rs. 200 for each order, and I don't mind paying that as the service is quick and extremely convenient.

Their numbers are 0334-1310131 and 0334-1311131 and are also available on Facebook at Road Runner. Give it a try- you won't be disappointed. (And no, I don't work for them lol!)


Saturday, December 22, 2012

Blogger on the go!

Hello friends!

So I've installed blogger on my iPhone. Didn't know they had such an application till I got an email from Google. I am hoping to start my blogging again through my call phone since I am on the move a whole lot

More later.


Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Life of Mansour...revived!

Hey friends,

I have decided to revive my blog once again. I know I've been doing going up and down with reviving it and then going away into hibernation. I think I really want to start blogging once again as I find writing very therapeutic. I know there are like 1000s of blogs out there so why would mine be any different. It wont. I will be just one of many in the massive list of blogs all over the blogosphere. However, I do hope I can continue to maintain my blog amidst my married life and hectic work schedule. Lots to write about, lots to share, lots to off load...lots to come!

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