Saturday, October 12, 2013

Starry Starry NIght

One of my all time favorite paintings is Van Gogh's Starry Starry Night. I sort of liked it initially, but a friend in Dubai made me listen to Starry Starry Night by Josh Groban, which is a semi tribute to Van Gogh's genius and insanity (he killed himself eventually!) The painting took on a whole new meaning after listening to the song, and soon after I fell in love with it. It's purely bewitching!

It's a dark painting, but at the same time a very bright one. The small sleepy town is totally engulfed with the bright night sky filled with stars and the glowing moon. A tall structure on the left seems like a large figure over looking the town, protecting it from anything. The lights are on in the houses. But it's the swirling skies that bowls me over. Van Gogh, you were a genius! 

Welcome back!

Hey friends,

SO much has been happening in my life in the last so many years or so. I've jus been so caught up with a lot of things I didn't get time to blog. But I think I will summarise the last 4 years here and then proceed to carry on with my blog like I used to.

1. Had several amazing holidays, including Phuket, London, Istanbul as well as Indus river and Cholistan desert.

2. Great things at work- my boss being kicked out and me taking his place is the highlight for me.

3. Pakistani elections, the Pakistani style was something of a massive eye opener for me.

4. Start of Supper Club- a brilliant bunch of people who share the common love for cooking (and eating).

5. Cultural activities in Lahore, starting from cinemas, exhibitions, concerts and all.

There have been loads of great stuff happening, and I look forward to start my blog once again on a more regular basis.

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