Monday, August 23, 2004

The One with the Pervert-minded People

Hey all,

I am so annoyed today. We had someone new at work today and all he could do was talk about sexual stuff. I was so annoyed because this someone is well in his 30s, married and has a kid, but still, his mentality was like that of a teenager with raging hormones. The other people at work joined in and were laughing at the jokes, which I felt were so pathetic. Ok, I understand young male teenagers who talk dirty and look at women in a degrading manner, and that is understandable, because young guys are evolving into adults, and they go through physical and psychological changes. They are curious about the world and all things forbidden seems exciting.

What I don't understand is how same guys can carry this kind of attitude into their later years, even as married men! I know of some married men, who in the presence of an all male group would crack sexual jokes and poke fun at the physicalities of a woman passing by. Gosh, how can you even make comments like that on a women when you have a wife at home? I like to tell some people when they cross the limits to imagine that women they are making fun of is their sister, or even their mother. Suddenly the whole perspective changes.

There are still some men I know who need to do a lot of maturing. In addition to making fun of women and indulging in dirty talk, they have a foul mouth. They like to swear, make fun of people, and believe it or not, gossip. Yes folks, I know of men who love to gossip. It is not a women's thing anymore. What I don't understand again is how these people could make fun of people, lie, curse, swear and say dirty things, can pray to God using the same mouth! Don't they realize that with the mouth they praise God and pray five times a day, is the very same mouth that swears and cracks dirty jokes? Folks, I have even seen some of the more religious minded men say dirty words-- it is so unbelievable. The minute they go to pray, they say religious words, and once they are over with praying, they resort to making fun of people and swearing.

Gosh, I have had enough of this. I wanted to let it out off my chest.

Singing off sweetly,


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