Friday, November 12, 2004

The One with My Letter to the Letters to the Editors

Dear all,

someone recently wrote an article in the letter to the editors in the Saudi Gazette. The article provoked me, and I was a little angry at someone like this person. I wrote back a reply and it got published. I did not think it would, but it has. Imagine the 1000s of people who would get to read my letter. My mom was initially upset when she saw it, but after explaining to her, she agreed with me. My dad agreed with me right from the start.

My basic problem is how some people are quick to blame others for their own ills. People in the Kingdom blame the West for all things wrong. They never take the moment to think that maybe they themselves are the ones for their ills in society. I hate people who reason like this particular person did. I was angry and upset at the level of intlorence and acceptance they have.

How can mere picture corrupt someone, unless that someone is very weak of nature in the first place. This man contradicts himself. He talks about being religious and all, and yet claims to be so easily "corrupted" by mere pics! Goes to show how strong his "faith" is!

Here is what he wrote:
(unfortunately, the paper has not yet made the newspaper available online yet!)

Here is what I replied:

It is so amazing when you get to voice your opinion and it is heard!

Looking for more topics to talk about,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very cool design! Useful information. Go on!
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