Monday, February 07, 2005

One Hundred Years of Solitude


(The title does not refer to the status of my life!)

One evening as I was watching Oprah on the hot channel MBC 2, she was talking about her Book Club. She was talking about this particular book, and towards the end she said, "If you can only read one book in your lifetime, then this is that one book." She gifted each member of her audience a copy of this book. The book is called One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. I checked out the numerous websites, and apparently this author is one of the world most famous one. I managed to get that book, and I have just started to read it today. I am bracing myself for a book of a lifetime. I am prepared to be challenged with new ideas and reevaluate my present thinking.

I will let you know what the experience is when I finish reading the book!



Mansour said...

Jarir has it available now. When I saw the show, I also went to Jarir and it was not available and I asked my brother to get it for me from London. One month later, the book was available at Jarir. So go get you copy now!


Anonymous said...

I read whys in Spanish..this thing is a labyranth I mean there are some 25 characters desribed in depth -at least- and like almost as much that do something and the story takes place over so many years..It is so hard to read you want to toss it away

Mansour said...

Hi Majed,

I can imagine your experience of reading such a heavy book. You would need to spend a lot of time in the book. Which is why I also kept it aside for a better time when I have more time to concentrate. But I think this book would be really enjoyable once we get into it. I used to read Stephen King, and he can be overly descriptive as well. Good luck..


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