This article pertains to the one I wrote before, about prisoners being tortured. However, the writer goes deeper into the issue of torture in this article. The writers asks a great question: why do the Muslim world shouts out in rage and anger, killing one another in grief, when they heard about Newsweek reporting the desecration of a Quran, whereas they do not display the same outrage as Muslims when they see and know about other horrible things happenings, like torture, in their own countries? Is that hypocrisy? Is that two-faced? If not, what is it?
It's the lack of freedom in our countries. I've always believed that our governments love how preoccupied our people get with international politics. If I want to organize a march tomorrow here in Oman protesting against anything the US is doing in Iraq or Israel is doing in the occupied territories, no one will tell me no. The police will show up at the march but they wont arrest me.
If I go and arrange a march protesting the government's arrest of Omani citizens, I will definitely get beaten by the riot police and arrested.
We play to their hands, and they love it.
I so agree with you. There have been times when I was in jeddah and I felt like going out on the streets protesting against some of the issues, especially when the three Saudi men were arrested simply because they called for reforms in the country. I look at countries like UK, where we see all sorts of people having all sorts of protests and demonstrations. For God's sake they evel allow the Muslims to go hold demonstrations against the US and the UK. They even allow for them to call names and make fun of Blair! Why cannot we have that freedom of expression here? It's because the power is monarchy, more like a dictatorship, who is more interested in controlling the country and fears the overthrown of the government if the public are allowed to express their opinions. I don't know if I will ever see that freedom here in KSA in my lifetime!
speaking of hypocrisy, do you know what happens to bibles that customs at saudi airports that are confiscated? I am not defending the action by the us but i know that in saudi what we do is worse
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