Thursday, May 05, 2005

"Thank you ma'am. Have a nice day"

Hey guys,

Someone left a recent comment on how Saudi Arabia has let down the Muslim world. Please read this article. Lubna Hussain is a writer for Arab News. She talks about how she was treated at Makkah by the rude religious policeman. Read the article for a fuller story. What she has talked about has happened to me numerous times. Often it is stuff like: Get out of here, you are not supposed to be here; you shouldnt sit not doing anything, read the Quran; raise your jeans; put a cap; this is women's areas, get out of here etc etc When I point to others who are not doing what they are asking me to do, they get furious and pin point me even more! :) If those religious policemen had actually talked me nicely, I would have considered his words, but his words are condescending, demeaning, and make me feel like a loser: they develop superiority complex- they think they are better Muslims than others there! That's not to say that every single one of them are like this, but somehow all the ones who have talked to me have been from the rude ones! :)§ion=0&article=62982&d=5&m=5&y=2005&pix=community.jpg&category=Features



Anonymous said...

u said something about...that Saudi could have been like the emirates...i totally agree with u....even with whatever ppl say is wrong with Saudi atleast u can live in peace in the emirates...i have never seen a more relegiously free or tolerant...i hope it stays like that forever...and the Saudis can learn something and the muslim world can work together to work out their difference...Ameen...

take care

Mansour said...

I also hope and pray that the differences work out too,but I look at the reality of the situation, and wonder if ever there will be spiritual harmony. Of course the Quran talks about how there will be so many sects of Islam at the End of Times. I look at Pakistan, and see the Sunnis and Shias continuously killing one another. I see what's happening in Iraq between the Sunnis and the Shias. With so much worldwide coverage, the world is beginning to see Islam as two major sects, Sunnis and Shias, just the world sees Christianity in two sects, Catholicism and Protestants.


Mansour said...

I agree with you puss in boots. Generalization is a dangerous thing. I dont mean to imply that just because several negative experiences, and not having heard of any positive interactions with any mutawa, it certainly does not mean that ALL religious police are bad. I am sure there are good ones as well, like you say, the tolerant and understanding ones. It's too bad I have not seen anyone of these. Like the article talks about some mutawa who are tolerant and know how to approach people politely, I believe there are more like these out there as well!


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