Thursday, August 25, 2005

My Guitar and Me!- UPDATED

Hey friends,

I finally started to learn to play the guitar. When I was in school, I had learnt how to play the flute, and I quite didn’t like it, and I cannot remember why I had to play it. I wish I had learnt how to play the guitar.

In 2003, a friend had gifted me a guitar. It's the Yamaha Acoustic C-40, and I absolutely love it. For a while I practiced on it, and then left it aside as other things cropped up. Last week, I took it out again, and now I am back to learning my chords. Playing a guitar is no easy task, and my respect for those who play decent music on the guitar has gone up. I went to see Jason Carter (an expatriate guitarist) in concert in Dubai several years ago, and he played his guitar in the most amazing way. He played flamenco and Spanish music mostly. The strumming is not an easy thing to do. Switching between chords is not easy. As with everything, practice makes perfect.

So next time you are in Dubai, make sure to ask me and I shall play one song for you on the guitar as part of my part to entertain you. Lol! :-)

To clarify those people who would outright say that guitar is illegal in Islam, I wish to share this online fatwa, taken from Islam Online, which basically states that:

"In his response to the question you posed, Sheikh Ahmad Kutty, a senior lecturer and an Islamic scholar at the Islamic Institute of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, states:

“Many of the scholars of Islam, both ancient and modern, consider all forms of musical instruments except duff (tambourines) as forbidden; but, there are other scholars, who consider music and musical instruments as forbidden only if and when they are used for themes or messages that are declared as forbidden or undesirable. Based on the second view, as long as you stay clear off undesirable themes, and messages, then what you are doing can be considered as permissible. ***You must, however, remember that this permission is conditional on the fact that you are resorting to music as an occasional outlet only; for there is no doubt whatsoever that if your indulgence in music in any way interferes with your performance of your worship or other obligatory duties, then it shall be considered as strictly forbidden.*** [My viewpoint too, considering I play my guitar as an outlet, and hardly 30 mins a day. I don't have dancing, I don't sing-- it's just music]

So, use it only as an occasional outlet. The Prophet, peace be upon him, has permitted us to have occasional outlets in order to help us recuperate and refresh ourselves. Resorting to such occasional outlets may in fact be beneficial for our enhanced productivity/creativity. May Allah help us to maintain proper balance in our life, avoiding all forms of extremes, Amen.”

It has become clear from the above Fatwa that playing guitar, as a musical instrument, is not categorically Haram as long as the aforementioned guidelines are observed. Playing guitar as an occasional outlet does not run counter to Islamic teachings as long as one does not neglect religious observances.


Anonymous said...


i'll hold u up to that, next time im in dubai, u're gonna have to play for me! I shall camp out at ur house and wont budge until u play ur guitar.

good luck! and enjoy!


Anonymous said...

hehehe me too...ure stuck now..ill be in dubai inshAllah in the next 3-4 months...ull better learn fast.....hehehe...

good luck with it..

take care

Anonymous said...

until i will be in Dubai ..start to learn ( wish u were here with me by enrique) and the songs of the famous indian movies specially kuch kuch hota hai and kal honaa ho ok;)

MASS said...

suckerrrrr :P
the first complete song i learned how to play was raining blood by Slayer (less than 4 months)
and the first on stage song i played (performance) was Master of puppets by Metallica
in less than a year
i never took any lessons and i used to play at least 5 hours daily
other than just holding the guitar while watching tv or talking on the phone with freinds or surffing the net etc

yet all that was just a waste of time,,i could have been doing martial arts or something errr,,

Mansour said...

hey everyone, I will be glad to play music for you, and I will try my best to make sure it is more than mere humming.

As for considering playing the guitar a waste of time, I would not agree with that. i am going to play around heavy metal music, because thats rebellion music..but i would be more interested in playing just instrumental music.

If one feels one has an aptitude to do something, one should pursue it, and playing a guitar has been aone of my life's to do list kinda thing. and I am making it a reality now!


Mansour said...

correction: i will NOT be playing around heavy metal


Anonymous said...

mansur...r r such a dickhead...u suck and u need to get a life...


Mansour said...

hi punked*

sticks and stones may break my bones, but name calling from people like you will never hurt me...



MASS said...

dude its a waste of time coz it doesnt please Allah,,It makes Allah angry,,

Mansour said...

It's called arts....and if arts makes Allah angry, we'd all be culture-less people. I am not joining a group. I am not making a career from learning how to play guitar. I am doing it because I want to learn to play a musical instrument.

You are entitled to your opinion, and I know you used to play the guitar, but you were playing heavy metal and I don't intend to do that, or play these pop songs. I will learn to play music only, and I don't think that makes Allah angry.


MASS said...

i use to play all sorts of music heavy metal was my favorite,,,but what makes heavy metal or pop bad and anything else good!!!

the way you have argued,, could also be used to say that as long as you dont have a lot of pre-martial sex a lot for self reffreshment then its okay

the math-ahib have agreed that music is harram,, its only very recent that a few sheiokh have started saying its okay

why do you neglect a whole islamic tradtion and stick with a few sheiokh here and there inshallah i ll make a post about this,,give me time coz i have to write it in english

Mansour said...

I know my limits and boundaries. Maybe you can tell me what else can I do for my creative outlet.


Mansour said...

Keep in mind that I am an architect, and architects are creative people; they are artists, and artists need inspiration, which they find in all different sources. My job is not a typical 9-5, behind the desk kind of job. I have to constantly inspire myself to come up with new and different concepts for my designs. Books are one way, and personally for me, playing music on a guitar is another. I still don't think how that can affect me in my religious duties.

Some people can feel extremely tempted when they hear a single note of music, others will not be affected. It depends on the person, and I know what my limits are, and when I need to stop listening to music.

Heavy metal and pop music may be bad, but that doesnt mean all music are bad. Are you telling me you don't listen to music AT ALL?? Any form of music? National Anthem music? Music that accompanies the news channel? Music people make in sports stadiums with drums and horns? Any music at all? If you don't, you have got to be the first person I know who doesn't listen to music in any form or shape.


MASS said...

look ya Mansur these are not islamice excuses for listing to music,,and their arent excuses for listing to music.

you know Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal was asked about Music, he said: it plants hypocracy (Nifaaq) in the heart and i dont like it (music)

you cant say it doesnt affetc your religious duties when you have never tried leaving msic for good,,
i have never met any person who left music that is worse or an equal muslim than before but always much better,, coz your status is just different.

yeah by the way i dont listen to any forms of music,, i listen sometimes to nasheeds or so called islamic sining yet i dont listen to them if they have musical instruments,, and i dont listen to nasheeds as a substitute to music,as some people do who just listen to too much of that nasheed stuff.

Music is definatly a heart destroyer, among that of many, ya bro Mansur

and this reulling on music is not something new its very rooted in this ummah and all the math-ahib agree on it..

Mansour said...

OH NO! So everytime I stand up to honor my national anthem in Pak, my heart is being destroyed. Everytime I hear the Saudi national anthem, hypocrisy is being planted in my heart. Maybe I should stop watching Animal Planet and Discovery altogether, because there is background music, which would indirectly corrupt and demoralise me. If music is so forbidden, then why would some scholars eve bother making statements like the ones I have mentioned. I am not going to bother getting into this. I mean, if music is illegal why would a country like Saudi Arabia, which is based on principles of Wahhabism, produce singers and sell and produce music? That would be hypocrisy right?

"Duff" is something no Islamic scholar said is forbidden, and guess what, the duff is a musical instrument, which can be used to create harmonious music. So, should the duff be banned too because it could potentially be used to create music?

We already had a long discussion months ago about music and I don't think I am prepared in my heart to carry this on, with all due respect to your opinions and input. :)


MASS said...

yr making unislamioc excuses for harram things,, its like dude i drink bear it must be halal

it doesnt work like this,,
if saudi is based on wahhabism why do they have intrest rate banks !!!

yes it plants hypocracy in your heart and yes it is harram,,

there is more detail and duff has a special im only talking in general

does the statment you gave me from islamonline match a 1400 year of islamic tradition !!!

i ll go a head and make the post either way inshallah,,

you know saudis dont like people calling them wahhabi,, i dont know why on earth you always throw this term,, when it comes to somehting you label as extrem,, you said principles of wahhabism could you please enlight us on the princples of wahhabism LOL

Mansour said...

You can check the so many sources out there on what Wahabbism is and dont need to hear it from me. :-)

Like I said, I don't have the heart to debate with you on this. Sorry. Maybe if I were in better health, I could have the energy to reason with you. I had been waiting for your article on music, but it's been months now. So good luck to you with it. :-)


MASS said...

thats coz you dont know whats wahhabism,,yr just copying what others say

Mansour said...

I am not provoked by that statement of yours. What do you take me for, a dumb person who would blindly ape others because its a cool thing to do? You have seriously misunderstood me and you don't even know me entirely well, and for you to make a statement judging me like that is hurtful at the most.


Mansour said...

Hey anonymous,

thanks for your input. It's very kind of you to guide me towards the straight path, but I will tell you that you don't know me and so for you to judge me this way is wrong and premature.


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