Friday, December 16, 2005

Gay Wedding- Part 2

Hello friends,

I am about to pick up another hot, and apparently very popular topic, "Homosexuality." I was browsing through my tracker on the side bar, and realized that a lot of people are searching for "gay" in search engine, and my article on "gay wedding in Saudi Arabia" shows up as one of the result. Homosexuality is still a social stigma, which is why it is not fully understood and discussed, hence no attempts are made to address the situation to deal with it.

Imagine my surprise when upon my return from Pakistan, I heard about an apparent "gay wedding" taking place in Abu Dhabi. I was so shocked, although I knew gays existed here in Dubai, as there were reports last year of a nightclub closing down because it had arranged for a wild gay party, complete with flyers being distributed and drag queens taking coming in from the UK. Khaleej Times had a front page article on the arrest of gay men at the hotel.

Now, a lot of people could argue that homosexuality is a Western influence and only the expatriates take part in such things, but this gay wedding was a shocker for me. Why? Because it involved local Emiratis! Isn't that a shocker?

To cut a long story short, here is what happened:

"More than two dozen gay men arrested at what police called a mass homosexual wedding. Police raided a hotel chalet earlier this month and arrested 26 men as they celebrated the mass wedding ceremony- one of a string of recent group arrests of homosexuals in the emirates. They found a dozen men dressed as female brides and a dozen others in male Arab dress, apparently preparing for a ceremony that would join them as husbands and wives. 'It was a real party with balloons and champagne.' The 26 men arrested include those from the Emirates as well as an Indian disc jockey and three men froneighboringng Arab states. One of the arrested was to perform the wedding ceremony.

Last year, police made mass arrests at an apparent gay wedding in Sharjah and at the Khor Fakkan beach resort in Fujairah."

Now, what's the solution the government has proposed to cure these men? They wall basically "treat them with male hormones," which means injecting them with hormones, testosteronees. Have they ever thought about how such male hormones will make them more manly and attractive to one another? I guess not.

Also, there have been recent "complaints of gay behavior were emerging from the country's schools and myriad shopping malls." Times are changing, and while one group may project the blame on the huge influx of westerners to be a cause of increase in homosexuality, I would say there would be other reasons too that is leading for men to behave this way. The internet has been a huge platform which has allowed homosexualsals to meet up. According to this Khaleej Times report, there are "UAE gay groups who can easily get hooked to people with similar interest in other cities. There are also UAE-based gay couples meet up groups on the net. The Dubai Gay Meet Group, one active cyber group with 14 members, announced through its board that the next meeting scheduled for December 8 has been cancelled."

Well, so there you go. Another report of gay wedding. When we see countries like the UK and Netherlands give permission for same-sex marriages, we are witnessing attempts at gay marriages in the Middle East. There is no denying homosexuality exists here, and something needs to be done about it. To those who are wondering where I stand with this issue, you can read my previous post.

Till I see you next time, take care,



Anonymous said...

yuck! gross! vomit! puke!

Anonymous said...

yay gay movement lets bash the straight

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