Sunday, December 04, 2005

WHAT THE...???

Hey everyone,

As I was ready to come back to blog regularly from today, I realized that I am not able to see any pictures of mine on my own blog, not even my own profile. So, I try to go to Flickr to sort the mess, and lo and behold, is BLOCKED! I am so angry right now I am thinking of giving up blogging all together. How else can I express mself fully and creatively if I cannot even use graphics and images? This is just plain pitiful. So much for "freedom of thought and express." by the government of UAE. Maybe I need to move to the Dubai Internet City to get access to the blocked sites. Why oh why do innocent peoplel like have to suffer when some miscreants choose to abuse the freedom?



Paul said...

Here in the U.S. I've heard the question posed, "If you had to give up all your freedoms except one, which would you keep?" One answer was, "The freedom of speech - because I could use that to get back all the rest of my freedoms."

Don't despair. Keep blogging. Your words are touching.

K Khan said...

Welcome back too. Just recently * had been blocked in Saudi Arabia, but apparently it only lasted a few days before access was restored.

Perhaps Flickr being blocked is only temporary?

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