Monday, January 02, 2006

2005: Life of Mansur in Review

Hello friends,

Since everyone was doing a New Year's resolution thing, I decided to take that concept and do something else with it. I usually don't do this on such a world-wide platform like my blog, but I decided to do it anyway. What I am going to share with you are the most important things that I feel have impacted me in all ways. These things include something as minor as the iPod to major experiences like the earthquake in Pakistan. Without further ado, here are some of the the more important things/ experiences than countless others for me in the year 2005.

I don't think there is anyone here who doesn't know what this is. It's been a tradition in my house that my mom and I would collectively do the crosswords, especially the ones by Thomas Joseph. However, my mom and brother got involved in Sudoku last summers in the UK, and about three weeks ago, I got hooked on to them, so much so, I have to do one daily. It is a Japanese game, which has swept the world over. What you have to do is fill in the missing numbers in a grid of 9x9, which in itself consists of 9 grids of 3x3. Each 3x3 grid has to have 1-9 and each row and column in the 9x9 grid has to have 1-9, with no repeptition. It's very stimulating and gets my brain to think. (I have always been bad with numbers, which is why I feel very rewarded when I solve a Sudoku game!)

For most of 2005 I spent a large amount of my time dedicated to my blog. I made huge efforts to update it daily. Blogging has been on the whole a very rewarding experience for me, and I hope it will continue to be. I got connected with people out there in cyberspace, people who I have never met, seen nor talked to, yet feel connected because we share similar ideas. There have been few times when I have had skirmishes with certain people out there, but those moments only caused me to be more stronger and take in criticism more positively. On another note, I met my fellow blogger friend in Riyadh two days ago, which has been very fulfilling! It's always great to see you Xena!
My Own Flat
Right at the beginning of 2005, I got my very own flat. It seemed like a huge accomplishment to be able to get the furniture and pay for the rent out of my own pocket. I had total creative freedom to decorate my house my own way. Learnt to do cooking, pay bills on time, budget myself, and clean toilets! :)
iPod and 80s
The iPod has been a constant companion for me the entire year. Wherever I went, it went with me. No other piece of technology has been so meaningful to me than the iPod. Forget my Sony Walkman, or my Macintosh laptop, the iPod beats them all down. The greatest thing however is that I managed to get all my favorite songs from the 1980s onto my iPod! In addition to this, I am very much intrigued my Blackberry, the latest must-have. Blackberry are the latest devices which is shaped like a small organizer, and basically lets you email, make calls, and organize your diary (calendar, appointments etc). I am setting my next purchase on a Blackberry.

My Birthday
My birthday in year 2005 was one of the best. To have my birthday fall on a weekend, going bowling with my friends, and coming back to do all the cooking proved to be an awesome time for us all as we spent another evening strengthening our friendships.

Medical Mayhems
Three major medical mishaps occurred in 2005. (a)My cornea got scratched! (b)I got severely dehydrated, leading me to endure eight bottles of drips and three days and nights in hospital with no food, losing 7kgs over four days, and (c) finally my surgery in Pakistan (sorry no details there!) These medical mayhems reminded me of how vulnerable my body is. I was reminded over and over how death could strike anytime. These experiences only made me re-evaluate my life and my aspirations and goals, and my focus on God.

Natural Disasters
2005 started off with the devastation caused by the tsunami. Hurricane Katrina damaged southern United States. Bomb attacks took place in the UK in July. While I somewhat identified with these incidents, nothing prepared me for the immense earthquake that struck Northern Pakistan. For weeks, I would be glue to the TV, watching every update and realizing how fast the death toll was escalating. My trip to the earthquake inflicted areas has got to be one of the most important experiences for me as a personal human being. To see my own countrymen, and children especially, broke my heart and rendered my helpless. Thankfully, I did my part to help as much as I could have.

Birth and Death
My nephew Zaeem was born on the 19th August. It was a moment of pure jubilation as we celebrated the arrival of a son in my brother's family. Sadly enough, just three months later, my grandfather passed away. Sometimes it is difficult to accept death of a loved one, but the birth of Zaeem and the death of my Baba only reminded me that God is the one who creates life and takes away life, and it gives me comfort in knowing that He has everything under His control.

Growing, Maturing and Being Wiser
The greatest experience I have had in the year has been the experience of growing and becoming wiser. From all the above experiences, as well as many more, I have challenged who I am as a person. Do I still hold the same values and ideals? Have these experiences reinforced my beliefs or challenged me? Has anything made me stronger, or weaker? How did I deal with the death of my Baba? All these and more forced me to accept and deal with the challenges as they came hurtling in my path. In the midst of all this, I changed, and I consider myself more wiser than I was at the beginning of the year 2005. Education doesn't stop in school or university; in fact, my whole life is an education for me. I am learning new things each day, and I am being challenged daily, thus making me stronger and wiser.

Happy 2006 to you all!



Anonymous said...

Hi Mansur, Happy New Year to you too! I am much intrigued and encouraged to see your thoughts here. You sure have grown and matured in many ways (not that you were immature earlier) but it's been a great pleasure to see you grow as a person through your blog.

Your faithful reader,


Mansour said...

hi J and O,

thanks. Happy New Year to you too!


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