Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Hey friends,

My sister and her best friend from university left for London yesterday afternoon. I had an incredible time with them showing them around Dubai, going to the beaches, Ski Dubai, shopping, eating out, sheesha among other activities. They were such a fun group of people to hang out with. On top of that, my other friends MA and NR joined us couple of times for dinner. All in all, it was an incredible time spent together, so much so, I will have to get into the details.

I knew I would be a little sad when I would come back home to find that no one is there. However, to my surprise, I saw something amazing in my home. All the mess that was there in my house, which I had anticipated I would clean up, was more or less cleaned up. The bed was made, linen folded, kitchen cleared up. However, the sweetest thing the girls had done was leave something on my dining table.

There was a such a sweet letter from my sister, and a black gift bag from her friend. I took about 15 minutes taking in the moment, and then decided to open the gift. They were so wonderful about it, and it made the moment all the more special when I least expected anything like this from them.

More on our awesome time later when I get the pictures!



Anonymous said...

dont mind my asking-- what was the gift that made it so special?

Mansour said...

hey anon,

i think it is more important for me to appreciate the action of my sister's friend than to mull over what I got. Which is precisely why I didnt mention the nature of the gift.


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