Monday, May 01, 2006

Reforms in Saudi Arabia

Hey friends,

Just read this article Saudi Arabia's unseen reform on BBC news. Was going through it till I came to the section New Experiences. Now what kind of Deputy Minister would share this kind of information with a BBC dimplotic correspondent? He claims that the "best of years of my life" were when he "shared a house with two lesbians." If this Deputy Minister were named, he would be ashamed! Also, now I know why women play around with their head scarf so much instead of fixing it strongly one time with a clip. According this woman, she says that "if it [head scarf] slips, you just fiddle with it, like playing with your hair. It can be very attractive." So fiddling with the head scarf gives men a quick glimpse of the woman's hair while she is re-adjusting her scarf. The things people do to attract attention in Saudi Arabia, not to mention Bluetooth, throwing papers with telephone numbers, chasing women in cars and so on. I wonder which is the most effective way to garner the attention and interest of the opposite sex in the Kingdom.



Anonymous said...

i am not surprised at the deputy minster's statement. there are loads of people like him here. one thing i find annoying here is guys trying to attract attention by growing afro style hair when clearly they dont have the natural genes to do it. seeing afro hair on non africans is just plain funny and desperate!

Anonymous said...

Loool... those 'fake' afro hairstyles always crack me up. Now the girls here have also joined the bandwagon and are braiding their hair like african women. Honestly, it is a sight to see what the youth here in KSA get up to. Just spend one evening at the mall during the weekend, and you will witness a lot of weird things happening around you.

I can't believe a deputy minister would say such a thing. Lol.


Anonymous said...

how about the one where the guys just stare at you, even if you are fully covered in an abaya....they stare and stare...and when you look back at them, eye to eye, they still continue to stare and stare...

Anonymous said...

hey mansur, this is off topic, but i see that you are reading (just read?) million little pieces. what did you think, especially in light of the whole oprah winfrey debacle (large portions of the "memoir" never happened)? i read it a couple months ago and liked it, and didn't care whether it was real or not.
p.s. i read your blog every day now, and you've even inspired me to start my own!

Mansour said...

hey laila,

I am almost half way through the book. It is no doubt a very captivating reading, and I bought it even when I knew that parts of the book are fabriated, and when you are reading you can somehow tell that some parts are somewhat unrealistic, like having two root canals with no anesthesia (scary if you ask me!)

Oprah even called up Larry King show to stand by Mr. James Frey and defend his novel, but Frey ultimately ended up apologizing. In the new reprints, there is an apology from the author at the beginning of the novel.

I am reading it because of the nature of the story. A 23 yr old guy who messes up his life by doing drugs and criminal activities, and see how he ultimately redeems himself. I think this book speaks to those who think they have lost everything in life and that no one cares about them, and so deceive themselves into believing that.

I haven't reached the end yet, but will write a review of it when I am done, soon! So far, I am loving it.


Mansour said...

to all the anon and xena...thanks for your comments....

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