Saturday, December 02, 2006

Blogger's Block

Hey guys,

I honestly don't know what to write. I am going through the Blogger's Block again.

We had so much rain here today, so much so, the roads outside of my house are flooded with cars stuck and traffic jam. Talk about road planning. There isn't any provision for any water to be drained away.

And on that note, Happy National Day to all the citizens of UAE.



Anonymous said...

mansur, i swear, you are one blogger who keeps me on the edge because i wonder everytime i visit your blog whether you would have changed your template or not, and deep down there is a little bit of joy when i see a different template.


akjfaifjakmk said...

mansurrr.. i just got all ur comments yesterday! n e how bud, i emailed ya! hopefully u've gotten the email by now

Mansour said...

Hey tuned out,

I got your email and I replied back to you. You should have received it two days ago.


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