Monday, January 01, 2007

New Year 2007

Hey friends,

So we have entered a brand new year: 2007. What can I say except that I feel like it's still 2006. However, there had been a flurry of excitement as within a span of a week, we had Christmas, Eid, New Years and the execution of a dictator on a festive day for Muslims.

The night before the Eid, I was glue to my television following the news that Saddam Hussein could be hanged any time now. The sentenced was given five days ago, which said that he should be executed within 30 days. The sudden announcement that he would be hanged just before 6am on the day of Eid for Muslims upset and angered me. From all the days of the 30 days, they had to do it on the day of Eid. Why not after? It seemed like a deliberate calculated step on the part of the so called new Iraqi government, who we all know is controlled by outside influence,to hang Saddam on Eid day to upset all Muslims, regardless if they were supporters or anti-Saddam. I didn't support him. I thought he was a mad man. But to hurt the sensibilities of Muslims on their most joyous occasions is asking for too much. It would be akin to hanging President Bush (who should be tried for crimes for humanity as well) on Christmas day.

All that didn't deter myself or my friends from making our plans to celebrate New Years. Dubai was in full swing, with every single night club packed to the max, charging exhorbitant prices, with all resturants heavily booked with overpriced package deals. We decided to go out in the desert and build our own bonfire and share stories. That didn't work out. We decided to go watch the fireworks at the Burj Al Arab hotel, but that plan was flushed away too. So we went to the mall, where we browsed around and ended up at the perfume shop, where my friend and I bought our favorite colognes, and got those in the gift box set, and had it wrapped. Of course, I got my favorite one: Burberry for men!

My other friend started feeling sick at the mall, with all the over-crowding, smoke and poor ventilation, that it started provoking his stomach to expel the burger he had from Fuddruckers. On our way home, he threw up lots and lots of food, and we ended stuck at home, as it was too late to go back out on the roads and be stuck in the traffic. So, our New Years was spent at home, where at the stroke of midnight, my friend and I opened up our gifts which we had purchased for ourselves, while my other friend was lying down on the sofa sick. I saw the fireworks at the creek from the kitchen balcony, which were pretty amazing.

My sick friend went to sleep, while my friend and I went over what our tasks and committments are for the year 2007. We kind of laid out our plans for our future, what we would be doing and what we should be doing.

All I can say is that the year 2007 could possibly be the one for my getting engaged (at least), job change and a possible re-location to another country. I have already given my end of contract notice to my landlord and moving out on the 15th of Januray to Dubai. Sometimes mid-March, I may leave the country and work elsewhere. So exciting things are coming up.

In the meantime, you all have an awesome New Year and a great 2007.



Anonymous said...

Hi Mansur,
Wishing you a very Happy New Year 2007, and hope that it will bring you lots of joy and happiness.
May all your dreams come true and find your soulmate.

Mansour said...

Thanks Amoontie,

Hope you have a Fantabulous 2007.

I sure hope I find my soul mate soon! :-)


CG said...

Happy New Year to you.
Glad to hear that you are moving, I wish you all the best.

Anonymous said...


Just came across your blog for the first time and happened to read this post. While what you have written reflects the usual Muslim/Middle Eastern/Leftist point of view, the following phrase caught my attention.

It seemed like a deliberate calculated step on the part of the so called new Iraqi government, who we all know is controlled by outside influence,to hang Saddam on Eid day to upset all Muslims, regardless

I just want to ask, what 'outside influence' are you referring to? And why would the 'outside influence' want to upset the Muslims? And if 'the minions from hell' are actually devising all sorts of evil plans against Muslims (hardcore sarcasm intended), why would Muslims be upset at the death of a tyrant who killed countless people just because he 'thought' they were planning to overthrow his government. Eid or no Eid--Why would any day be ruined because of the hanging of such a guy?

I already know your answers and being this is the only time I am going to read your blog--don't spend your time answering ME, create a general reply--I don't care.

For someone who claims to want everything to be simple, you're way too dramatic. Think about it!!

Mansour said...

The Muslims were upset because they were all getting ready to celebrate the special occassion of Eid, of which the significance you clearly cannot comprehend. My main issue was not of whether to hang him or not, but why they had to hang them on Eid day. Why not hang him the day after? A lot of people questioned that act, not just me.

It's so apparent from your comments that my words have scorned you in some way. That was not my intention though, however, it's a free world and we are all entitled to our opinions.

I don't know who you are, and so I will refrain from saying anything to you anyways, as much as you should have done so as you don't know who I really am. I will give you the benefit of doubt that you meant well with your post.

As you mentioned, you won't be coming back to my blog, so I will end my correspondence right here right now.

Thanks for the comments though. You generated a lot of emails coming in to me.


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