Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Paulo Coelho's The Witch of Portobello

Hello friends,

So there were about 400 or so people at the Paulo Coelho's latest book signing of The Witch of Portobello. I managed to get there a bit late, and I was person number 292. The organizers were spreading the news that Paulo will only sign personally the first 200 people who were standing in line and they will aso get a chance to meet him personally, and the people following the 200 will get only a signed copy from him. I didn't mind that because I had met Paulo personally, shook his hands and took a picture with him at Borders on Oxford street in London for the signing of his book Eleven Minutes.

I was still very excited about his new book and to get a signed copy. While I was standing there, I happened to see a family I knew, and they asked me to join them, and so I got bumped up about 30 people ahead, which was a blessing because as we came to the entrance of the bookshops, there were only a handful of tickets left to get the signed books. I thanked my heavenly stars, and I managed to get the new book signed, complete with the tshirt, pen, and a 30dhs discount voucher from Magrudys. I started reading the book the minute I got home, and I am almost half way through. It's really exciting and fun to read it. I am deliberately trying to slow myself down now so I can enjoy reading it for the longest time possible.

I have read all of his other books, except for The Zahir, and my favortie one is Veronika Decides to Die, because that book was given to me by a friend when I was on the brink of suicide. That book made me re-evaluate my life and knocked some sense into my head about trying to kill myself.

I will post up the pictures and review of the book once I am done.

On a more different note, as I was driving in the morning, I was listening to Channel 4 fm, and a competition came up. Listeners had to call in to win The Departed dvd, but you had to be the 4th caller. I didn't bother, but then I did call. "Hello, whom am I speaking to?" "This is Mansur." " Do you know you have to be the 4th caller to win?" "Oh yes, and I am hoping hard I am the 4th one!" "Well, Mansur, I have to inform you that you are indeed the 4th one!!!!"

For the first time ever in Dubai, I have actually won something-- even if its a dvd of a movie with 4 Oscars and one I havent seen-- I still won something!!!!



Anonymous said...

Hey, congrats on ure win...i never win nething...hehehe....its a good movie enjoy it...hope things r well..

take care


Anonymous said...

woooooooooohoooooooooo, mansur's a winner !!!


Mansour said...

thanks you guys..I am still waiting for them to give me a call and to take my postal address so they could send me the movie....dubai being dubai, nothing ever happens on time, on schedule or properly! lol!

But I am still grateful for channel 4 fm for prizing me the dvd!


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