Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The Kite Runner Movie....

Hello friends,

Khalid Hosseini's The Kite Runner is one of my favorite novels, and I am still waiting to read Hosseini's follow up novel as soon as I get done with all my other pending novels. I am super duper excited about the movie release for The Kite Runner. Viewers in the States are lucky enough to grab a screening of this movie. I am anxious to see it too, but this is one of those situation where I wonder whether the movie will live up to the expectations of the book, or will it ruin the picture I have built up in my mind? I am not even sure whether I should be watching the movie. Like The Lord of the Rings did justice to the novels, but Harry Potter didn't do justice as certain elements from the book were left out. I wonder how faithful the book to screen translation for The Kite Runner will be. It's good to know the author of the book also wrote the screenplay so hopefully it will be a faithful transformation of the book to the celluloid screen.

I wonder how many people have seen it, and what they thought about it?


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