Hey people,
I got home from Chilis with my sister just in time to hear my dad shout "Mansur, there are only 7 minutes left. HURRY UP!!" My sister and I ran upstairs to see on Sky News a huge notice saying "Time left for Michael Jackson verdict: 7 minutes." For so many months now the nation had been engrossed in the trial of Michael Jackon, who was being charged with 10 charges, ranging from molesting a child, to providing alcohol to a minor to lewd misconduct.
Somehow, in my heart I had a feeling that MJ was being framed. I also thought back to that other case that was settled out-of-court where MJ paid the child accuser some obscene amount to quieten him down. I felt as if the parents of the other kids decided to follow suit, sue MJ and make some money off it. In the post-trial analysis, it did turn out that MJ won because the mother of the child gave conflicting reports, which worked in favor of MJ. I also think the race card was being played; had MJ been a white person ( I know he looks white but change in skin color doesnt make him from a different race!) maybe the trial would not have taken this long. Remember OJ Simpson and how long his trail took place? Remember Mike Tyson and how long his rape trial took place?
In some ways, I also think justice has been done. However, having said that, I must also say that I find MJ to a be a weird person. Watching that one documentary by Martin Bashir, it certainly showed MJ to be a weird person. Also, several of the kids, including Macaulay Culkin of the Home Alone fame, admitted MJ slept with them in bed. Why would MJ do that?
Confession: I love listening to some of the songs by MJ, mostly the ones released in the 80s. My fondest memory is when my elder brother would pretend to be MJ, and myself along with other friends of ours would dance behind him to the song of Thriller! We were of course kids from ages of 8 to 12! We used to love listening to his song, and there was also the thrill of listening to MJ when his songs were clearly banned from Saudi Arabia.
Greetings to The Kingdom. Just wondering whatever happened to Muttawa?
I think MJ is innocent with this specific molestation charge but am not so sure about previous charges, because one of the witnesses for the prosecution (I think his name is Justin) seemed credible.
Also I really don't get the big deal about MJ saying he sleeps in the same bed with kids! I don't find that weird at all and I think people are blowing it way out of proportion. I remember when I was a kid my mum's cousin would always invite me over to sleep with her in her bed. And nothing ever happened! She used to love being with kids all the time and her bedroom was literally heaven for any kid as it was filled with all kinds of toys. People used to think she was weird for buying so many toys at her age. She told me it was because when she was young she didn't have any toys. I guess we all have habits which aren't common but that doesn't mean we must be criminals.
Don't know what's happened to muttawa but if I were to guess I'd say he's probably locked up...
hi mark, i dont know what happened to mutawa.
hi jo, the thing is that at least you are related to your mom's cousin. At least you know her. MJ had all these random kids sleeping with him. I guess one could read into the idea that MJ had a childless childhood, and thus is making up for it by spending a lot of time with kids now.
In any case, I am glad the news channels are now showing other news...I was getting a little tired with continuous MJ coverage on all major news network!
But even if I am related to her, I don't think it makes any difference. But if what you mean is that MJ is a stranger to these children, well then, come on, what kind of parent would leave their children with a strange man?! If anyone is guilty of being weird it's the PARENTS!!!
Exactly, what were the parents thinking when they would leave their kids there? I mean, now that MJ is free, he has the freedom to have 100s more kids over to his place, to sleep in his beds and all!! Hmm....I would definitely think twice before sending my kids to Neverland! lol!!!
i feel sorry for micheal all ppl treat him so bad ...all ppl do mistakes not only micheal....at least he is genius in dancing ...i love his songs specially ur not alone....and many
I was happy that was over for one thing only; I was pretty sick of seing his face over and over on the media! :\
Well, I don't think he is innocent of ALL the charges.. but hey what do I know!
I agree, why would anyone let their kids sleep with a stranger! Yea, they are celebrity, but what's in that anyway!?
dont trust this crazy lunatic basturd, the guy is freakin freak
and the guy is doamn weird as you said
he does some cracy stuff man
he such a gay lord, have you seen this documentary where he holds hands of kids and covers his baby with some veil, man he has serious issues
the guy went through some much crap with all the plastic on his face, i wont deem him as well mentally stable and normal person
as for Saudi banning his music then alhamdullelah they have done well, and May Allah help them to ban eveyrhitng else that needs to be banned
Jawaher how could you love his music when you said earlier that music is harram !!!
and out of all the muscians him or her or whatever!!
yes he is a genius in fisq and fujoor
this guy makes me angry
even though his brother mashallah converted to Islam, my Allah make him patient with his family, poor him
I think we can all agree that although MJ is a free man now, he is still a weird person. I liked MJ of the 80s, not what he is now. I think all this plastic surgeries, failed marriages, constantly walking under an umbrella, wearing a face mask in public has taken a toll on his physical and mental health. He is not a normal person. No wonder he has got the phrase coined to him : Wacko Jacko!
hi q8ibloger : go back 2 my comment pls ..i said although i listen 2 music ,music is 7aram in islam ...i want really 2 stop listening 2 music..i dont listen 2 it always ..the last time i listen 2 a song was b4 2months ....i read articles about micheal ..he thinks about entering islam and that was the reason of all the troubles he faces now....just imagin how many ppl will emitate him and enter islam ....its better 2 look 2 the positive sides of ppl and pls remember (dont judge a book from its cover )..maybe he is a good person who knows ?????
I pray that Allah guides him to Islam, coz he has done so much bad
but still he is still weird and sick as Mansur said
q8ibloger when u claim MJ has "done so much bad" what exactly do u mean? The plastic surgery? Well no sane person would go through that many cosmetic procedures. He's got issues with his physical appearance and those doctors should never have operated on him because in med school they're taught about such conditions. He's sick but that doesn't make him bad!
You don't have to be a fan of MJ but you cannot doubt his talent. In terms of entertainment he makes it higher than any of the other greats: Sinatra, Aretha, Elvis, Beatles etc...
If your claim for him having "done so much bad" is in reference to the mollestation, well the jury found him not guilty. Although I did say I am not so sure about previous charges, that still does not make him guilty!
And btw there are far more worse Muslims than MJ, the dude aint Muslim, so when he doesn't adhere by Islamic prinicples he cannot be held accountable for them, but when Muslims do, obviously they are held accountable because they know better!
Lets leave judgement for Allah cuz really are you that sure of your self that you will enter heaven?!?
About music being haram, I personally don't feel it is haram. I have heard alot about it, but am not convinced! I feel that music like so many other things is something that can be used for both good and bad! I guess like I said in another comment: "It's all about intention!"...
jawaher u say u havent listened to music in 2months, well I find that hard to believe. In this day and age you cannot get away from music. It's every where: Any television show you watch will have music so do you turn the volume off so that you don't hear it every single time music is on? Every show will have music during the the begining and credits! Also mobile ring tones, do u not have one?
We, Muslims concentrate so much on discussing halal and haram and forget that Islam is so much more that that. Islam is the religion of PEACE not HALAL/HARAM.. The fact that a prostitute was granted entrance into heaven according to a hadith says it all!!!
If MJ does become a Muslim, he will be someone like Muhammad Ali or Mike Tyson. These two are prime examples of how not to be a Muslim. Ali was full of pride and Tyson was full of arrogance. No doubt that Ali, Tyson and MJ are powerful personalities, but how 'true' of Muslims are they anyway? Ali has a daughter Laila boxing now and Tyson does all these horrendous talk about taking down his oppenents. Are they prime examples? Would MJ be someone beneficial to the Muslim world? Would people imitate MJ to be Muslims because they idolize him? Would they be Muslims for the sake of being genuine Muslims?
If you saw the news, there were people out there with some placards that read: Trust Jesus, Repent and Read the Bible. I think that is somethin MJ needs to do: repent, thank God for his not guilty verdict and mend his sick ways.
hi jo: i didnt ask u 2 believe me or not... my comment was 4 q8ibloger and i know he will understand me ...my dad died b4 2months ...im not crazy about watching TV at all so do u want me 2 listen 2 music and watch TV while im crying everyday ????????i wounder if u can do that???i shut my mobile off for a month ...i just open it last month cos i need it while im doing my final exams ..its in light and viberation all the time .also i dont conseder mobile ring tones as a songs that can u enjoy that much .i hope u will believe that cos its so bad 2 say that some one is telling lies without knowing him/her very well..also as i said b4 (dont judge a book from its cover) ......thx
I think what jo was trying to say that in today's world, there is nothing without music from tv, to coffee shops, to radios, to weddings, to parties, right down to kids play areas and mobile phones. Not all music is bad. Some music is bad but not all music is bad.
Jawaher: your comment, although directed at q8ibloger does not mean that I cannot respond.
I never called you a liar. Saying that I find something hard to believe is not the same as actually calling someone a liar! What I was actually saying was that it is impossible now in this day and age to get away from music, even if you don't want to listen to music. I was not calling you a liar, simply that even if you intentionally try to aviod music, you really can't.
Also music is music, be it a song or a ring tone.
I am sorry to hear about your father, a36'am Allah ajrk...
M: I can understand how Mike Tyson is not a good example for a Muslim, but I certainly do not understand how you can possibly claim that Muhammed Ali is not a good example just because he has pride and his daughter is a boxer!
First of all, confidence and pride are two different attributes. Muhammed Ali was confident, and if at times he sounded arogrant, it was not how he truely felt. It was all for entertainment purposes. If Muhammed Ali did not make the 'arrogant/confident' comments he did then he would not have achieved popularity.
Second, his daughter is a boxer, so what!
I don't know why muslims care so much about other muslims and their image or what they bring to Islam. Why not focus on what YOU/WE can bring to Islam. Like I said in an earlier comment, lets leave judgement for Allah!
Also, about people who may convert to Islam because of their idol, well you can never know what is truely in their heart. But I don't think people would actually adopt a faith because their idol did. It just may open their eyes to it, which you cannot deny is a good thing. Also at the end of the day, you can never know how real someone's faith is. Many Muslims are born Muslim, but does that mean they have faith?
I may be very wrong about Ali, so I am sorry if I am indeed wrong. I guess I was thinking of what someone told me once: Ali was overly proud of his ability to be the best boxer. Shouldn't one be humble about it? Maybe there is a blurring between confidence and pride. I have heard from so many people that it was because of his inflated ego and pride that Ali inflicted with Parkinson's Disease. Also, his daughter Laila; there is a saying "children are a reflection/ map of their parents." If Ali is a Muslim then what gave him the liberty to allow his daughter to box in front of the world in shorts and tshirt? I dont have an issue with her being a boxer, but talk to people from ths part of the world they will frown upon Laila being a boxer!
Not passing judgments here but am trying to understand what kind of Islam Ali lives by, thats all.
I agree with you that each one is held accountable for one own's deeds. No one has the right to claim to say that the other person will go to heaven or hell. I may never know what people have in their hearts, but I do know there are some converts who convert for the wrong reasons. One major one is for marriage whereby mostly women convert to Islam to be with their husbands. Case in example, Jemima Khan married Imran Khan, the Pakistani cricketer, and she converted to Islam, performed pilgrimage to Mecca several times, wrote articles on Islam, and soon after her divorce went back to her old life completely moving away from Islam. I know this because my mom knows her personally.
I am not here to doubt anyone's conversion to Islam, I just get feelings that some people do it for the wrong reasons.
1. "If Ali is a Muslim"?..He is muslim!!!
2. "What gave him the liberty to allow his daughter to box in front of the world in shorts and tshirt?".. Do all Muslim women adhere by the Islamic dress code? In fact, do men? Also is it realistic to blame the parent for whatever the child does? If his daughter chooses to box then I say good for her! Who are we to judge?! There are far worse things one can do!
3. "I have heard from so many people that it was because of his inflated ego and pride that Ali inflicted with Parkinson's Disease.".. So all those suffering from Parkinson's disease are being punished by Allah? Maybe he was inflicted with the disease as a result of the repeated hits to his head!
4. "Not passing judgments here but am trying to understand what kind of Islam Ali lives by, thats all.".. I think you are judging. Ali is a great man and more Muslims should be like him (minus the adultery).. He aint perfect but he is a good Muslim and an example for people to follow of all creeds and not just Islam. He has helped many people with his charity work and that is something to applaud. But what I find to be the greatest attribute of Ali is that he is a leader and not simply a follower. He had the courage to stand up to the American government by refusing to go to Vietnam to kill a people who did nothing wrong. If he really is someone who is arrogant and filled with nothing but pride then why would he have risked boxing during the prime age of any athlete?
5. All those people who tell you such things about Ali, what have they done for Islam? Are they perfect Muslims? Are they living their lives in complete accordance to the way the prophet did? Even the prophet (pbuh) was not perfect, because only Allah is perfection.. So how about we stop criticising people for simply being human?
ok ok...Ali is a great example of a Muslim. I guess I need to be more assertive like you when I raise him, Malcolm X and Yusuf Islam as great ambassadors of Islam. I back down when I hear all sorts of things from other people when they try to discredit these people. Don't get me wrong. I dont have a grudge against anyone out there...heck, kudos for Laila for doing what she wants to do. And certainly I dont believe all sufferes from Parkinson's Disease have been inflicted for something wrong they did. I think since we all have a different understanding of what constitutes a Muslim, that is why there is this clash here.
But thanks for clarifying. I think I need to be, like I said, more assertive like you when people discredit Ali and others.
Yes definitly!
No worries M, we all make mistakes...
And I think you're truely fabulous for admiting you made a mistake :-)
Music is harram by ijma3
and when you intentially listen to music you sin
and now on of the people of knowledge doubts that
Music is harram and inshallah i will make a post about this with islamic evidence
ppl who say its not harram or not convinced are usually the same ones who are indulged into music and that it s like in their blood personally i have had an experience with music that is not so common
but alhamdullelah Allah gave me the tawfeeq to leave it
Islamic principles are universal and are of the fitra
so untill MJ is muslim he is hell for eternity
and yes am sure he heard of prophet Muhammad since his bro talked to him about Islam
this whole thing about leave judgment to Allah is just ya3ni sorry so anoying
every now and then we hear dont juddge, its like this english term that is very cultually specific to the west and then we try to
dude a woman who shows her 3awra in a so extreem way like this
you want us to call her multazima or a good muslim or mu2mina
she is nothing but a fasiqa
whether we like it or not
and yes you can judge people by their actions
Allah has told us characteristics of munafiqeen and we can know who is a munafiq by these characteristics or who has partial nifaaq
certianly we cant close our mouths about some one like layla and say Allah will judge her
and yes Allah will judge her
but what we see in this dunya is that she is a sinner
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