Friday, July 08, 2005

Reader's Request # 1 (Marriage) and "Tagged!"

Hello readers,

I finally managed to come down here and write up the first of a series of reader's requests. Also, this particular request will also be tagged. Xena, had suggested I write about 10 emotionally, intelligent questions I would ask a woman who I might consider for marriage, and how I would answer those same questions myself. Since that is a personal matter for me to disclose on a world platform like my blog, I have asked questions which are next to personal.

10 Questions I would ask my potential spouse
1. What does 'love' mean to you?
My Reply: Love is Unconditional. In other word, I do too believe that one should love another unconditionally, and not withhold their love simply because the other person doesn't fit into my idea of an ideal person.
2. What does 'marriage' mean to you?
My Reply: Commitment and Compromise and Trust and Truth (honesty). I find these four values to be the epitome of any marriage. If one of these values are not there, then works need to be done on the marriage.
3. Do you believe in 'love at first sight?'
My Reply: I don't. I think that should be called "lust at first sight" or "attraction at first sight." I just don't understand how someone can fall in love with another person simply meeting on a first date.
4. How many children would you like?
My Reply: Three. Two is two little and can get lonely when the eldest goes off to college. One is too little for me. Four and above are all right, but honestly, it would all depend on how rich I would be, in order to provide for the best for the children.
5. If given the opportunity, what is that one song you would sing for me on wedding day?
My Reply: I would sing You Are Still The One by Shania Twain. It's my favorite love song, and it encapsulates what I vision of two people in love going through the odds despite what everyone else says.
6. What is your favorite holiday destination?
My Reply: It would have to be somewhere in the Mediterranean, like Greece, Turkey, Italy, along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. I think that represents a relaxed life-style, something that I need more of in my life!
7. What are three qualities you would look for in man?
My Reply: In a woman, I would look for (a) commitment to faith (moderation please), (b) honesty, (c) sense of humor
8. What are the three qualities and three bad habits that you have?
My Reply:
Qualities (a) Honesty, (b) Maturity/ Decency, (c) Serving others (hint hint, which other blogger out there would take pleasure in writing stuff for their readers? lol!)
Bad Habits (a) Procastinator (b) Being reserved and on the quieter side (c) Bad money spender (need to budget wisely)
9. Did you have any previous relationships?
My Reply: I have had three strong, deep, meaningful relationships with three girls while growing up. One in school, one in high school and one in university. However, when I say relationships, what I mean is that it was purely non-sexual. I did not date them, took them out anywhere on a one to one basis. I loved each one of them dearly so much so I could have married them if the opportunity were right.
10. Where do you see yourself in 10 years time?
My Reply: Working in my own architecture firm, with people working under me, OR working at a charity organization for the under-privileged (mainly with kids, be they deaf, mentally challenged, handicapped, orphans etc)
Ok, friends, now I "Tag" the following bloggers to answer the same questions:
Xena's World
Jowhara's Chamber
Saudi Jeans
Muscati (I know you are married, but maybe just for fun)
Noora's Thoughts and
Anyone else who I may have missed, feel free to "Tag" yourself!



Anonymous said...

Thanks for taking the time and effort to answer these questions. You have answered them honestly and explained each one thoughtfully. WELL DONE!


MASS said...

Inshallah ill answer them,, just give me some time and then a visit to my blog

i ll answer these questions and yr mum is married!!,,how come yr mum is the female version of q8ibloger lol

Anonymous said...

mansur : this is an interesting post , i wounder if my fiance will ask me the same questions i will prepare my answer from now:)....i wish u all the best in the future ..u deserve the best ( by the way i didnt hear that song but i will try to do so,...and i really want 2 visit Italy ,i hope my fiance will agree 2 spend our honey moon there)

habbalicious : its good that ur mum is the female version of q8iblogger ,at least she is very honest with herself and with other ppl as q8iblogger is

MASS said...

NO jawaher dont listen to the song

you dont want to get that plague again

Mansour said...

Apologies abound...I decided to tag everyone who has been leaving comments on my blog....but if you don't want to, you don't have's only a game! right? Noora's Thoughts, no offence.


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