Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Weighty Issue!

Hi friends,

I just finished watching The Biggest Loser. It’s another twist on the other reality-based shows. A group of overweight people compete each week to lose weight through exercise and dieting. At the end of each week, they have a weigh-in, and the two lowest losers are nominated for elimination. The rest of the group then vote and eliminate one of them. It’s an interesting concept, at least for me it is. I enjoy watching this show immensely because for one, I see these people beyond their physical appearance, and appreciate for who they are on the inside.

I don’t understand why and when it started, but people always have an issue with weight. Sometimes weight is the first thing we see before we see the person. I used to be skinny when I was younger, and I gained weight when I went to the US. I have been gaining and losing weight on and off. I remember gaining quite a lot here in Dubai, so much so, people were asking me what the matter with me was. Thankfully, I managed to get rid of that fat and am at a healthy weight of 92kgs. Before you balk out at the number, keep in mind I am also 6’4”, so my Body Mass Index puts me at the normal weight.

But even I get annoyed sometimes when I meet people after a while, and the first thing they comment on is weight. Before anything else, it has to be my weight (height follows later where people ask me if I have grown taller!) I have seen this happening with other people too. It may be cute one time, but to do it all the time is dangerous. It’s because you are sending out a message to others that before anything else you keep the weight issue in mind.

I can tell you that some people don’t like it when they are being told over and over to lose weight, or gain weight. They get irritated and annoyed, and in some cases develop low-self esteem. I wish people could be more tactful and sensitive the next time they comment someone on their weight. So, remember next time you comment on someone about their weight, put yourself in their shoes. Would you like to be asked all the time about your weight?

By the way, MBC is advertising for an Arabic version of The Biggest Loser. They are looking for over-weight people to participate in their program. Since UAE is fast becoming a country with the highest number of obese children, because of its immobile culture, I think this show will be timely and fun too.

Ok, where's my leftover grilled chicken and mashed potatoes?



Jo said...

I hate it when people comment on my weight :| Bloody hell I know am over-weight so no need to tell me all the bloody time!!!
Last year I lost some weight and neva put that weight back on, still at the same weight, but people keep telling me how I had lost so much weight last year and what a shame I put it back on :| HELLO am still at the same weight! I neva put it on so WHAT THE HELL!!!
I only get this crap from Saudis and some other arabs. But neva did I get this back in London. I think people here are just too damn bored to have anything else on their minds!!!!!!!!!!

Mansour said...

It works both get comments whether you are fat or thin...people have the nerve to say something about your weight. I know I often develop appreciation for people who are on the chubbier side because I can see their inner personailty shine through.


Anonymous said...

Hi Guys...

I just got back from visiting Kenya, my homeland. After spending the first week there, I wanted to come back to Jeddah. Why you ask? Well because I was bombarded by family members about my weight issue. People whom I've grown up with, who have known me since I was a little kid, suddenly pretended not to recognize me. Just coz I put on some weight. OH MY GOD! I'm not even THAT obsese that no one can recognize me!!! I was so depressed to hear the same comment from everyone I met. I remember texting my friend and telling him how depressed I was. Thanks to his good & honest advise I managed to cheer up and enjoy the rest of my holiday. What hurts most is that people dont even bother to find out why I'm fat. They simply assume its becoz I eat alot or something. This is so unfair because it is not true. Nobody but I know what I go through, the treatments I have to undergo because of my health. They don't realize it is the side effects of all the medications I take that make my body overweight. They don't even know how depressing it is when clothes dont fit. I chose not to continue with my profession as a fashion designer because I became so demoralized. What was the point of designing trendy outfits that I couldn't wear because I didn't have a figure to carry them. When I look at myself in the mirror.. I hate what I see. I crave to see the pretty, thin girl I once knew.

So I know just how BAD it feels when people pick on if you are overweight or underweight!!

Okay... I feel better after getting this off my chest. Thanks for eveyone else's input on this issue. Mansur.. a good article, well done.


Mansour said...

When you said the word Fashion designer, I remembered out school days...I remember you talking about your passion in Chemistry class. It's unfortunate you had to face these people....some of them may have commented innnocently though. But yeah, there are some people who are curious and gossip-mongers, who want to know all the juicy details. If I can encourage, if you still have the passion for fashion design, keep it can always do your own sketches in your journal, and hope to make it come true one day. That would be the day when you will emerge as a real winner.


Anonymous said...

This is very interesting site...
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