Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Naif Panthers

Hey friend,

Ok, I don't know whether to commend the Dubai Police for this or take this piece of news with skepticism. In Naif, a certain part of Dubai, the police have decided to have policemen on roller blades, so they can catch the culprits in narrow passages and alleyways. I saw the picture of the policeman, and I am looking at how his roller-blades are not even well balanced. I wonder how well and how fast will they be able to catch the thieves. Coming up with a name like Naif Panthers brought a huge grin to my face. I wish them all the good luck.... and remember, next time you see a policeman whizzing on his roller blades, keep in mind he is just doing his job of making Dubai a safer place. (On a side note, the Naif area of Dubai is a high-crime area, so be aware and alert when you are there!)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahahaha....i want to meet the people who advise dubai on things...they always come up with wacky ideas....hehehe.....

take care

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