Sunday, September 25, 2005

Ouch! Tagged!

Hey everyone,

My friend Xena over at the other end of the world has tagged me all over my body! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! So, here are the answers! LOL!

Q1) Can you cry underwater?
A1) No. I cannot cry underwater. Why would I want to cry underwater?

Q2) What piece of clothing represents you the most?
A2) Jeans, crisp white tshirt and Teva sandals. All this represents the cool, calm, relaxed side of me. I absolutely hate wearing anything formal..and ties, I shall pray to never have to wear that!

Q3) 2 things you want to achieve this Ramadan.
A3) Forgiveness of my sins. Diligence in keeping up with reading the Holy Book!

Q4) 2 things which really irritate the hell out of you.
A4) Hypocrisy. People who cut lines in grocery stores, banks, elevator line etc etc..bus, they just make me fuming mad!

Q5) 2 things which bring a smile to your face or make your day pleasant.
A5) My photopgraphs. Chatting with a certain friend of mine.

Q6) If you knew you had like a week to live, what 3 very important things would you do?
A6) Go back to Jeddah to be with my family and tell them how much I love them. Call certain people up and ask them to forgive me and clear up any misunderstanding. Spend time in repentance.

Q7) If ur house caught on fire, who would u choose to save first and save last?
A7) I would save myself...since I am living alone. LOL!

Q8) If I were to do a random search in your bedroom, what would be the one thing that you do not want me to find?
A8) Ok, I have a secret box under my bed which contains letters and photographs and cards which I have collected over the last 8 years. I don't want any of that to be found by anyone.

Q9) Oceans apart day after day, And I slowly go insane.., complete the next 2 lines of this song... (that's if you know it, and i'll give answer in the comments box, so u all dont cheat easily)
A9) I know its the Richard Marx song, so it goes like: Whatever you say, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you....

Q10) Your all time favorite proverb is....
A10)Never judge another till you have walked a mile in their shoes.

Q11) The one person you can tell your deepest darkest secrets to.
A11) I cannot tell you because it's a secret. All I can say is that the one person is a female.

Q12) If you had to change your name and come up with a new one, what would you call yourself?
A12) Let's see. It would be something short, like Zain. Although I love Mansur because it means Victorious.

Ok, phew. Now I am going to tag: Jowhara's Chamber, Jawaher, Nash, Saudi Jeans, Peace,Bruv, Muscati, Ancient Poem and anyone else who wants to tag him/ herself, please feel free to do so.


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