Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Questionable Quotes

Hey friends,

I am starting up something which I have not yet seen anywhere. It's a series called QQ: Questionable Quotes! Too often we read or hear a quote and start thinking to ourselves how cool it is, or how applicable it is to our lives. However, there are some quotes which famous people have said but somewhat makes no sense to us. My goal through QQ is to understand those quotes, phrases, paragraphs which may seem easy on the mind but is actually questionable. To start us off, here is a quote by Karan Johar, from Koffee With Karan.

"Everyday is a lifetime when you are with a woman."

What kind of phrase is this?



akjfaifjakmk said...

hmmmm..lemme give this a shot - thought im really bad wid such stuff :
if a man has the 'right' lady in his life.. every single day in his life can be a bliss and thus, he blvs tht he has lived life fully and truly.. and therefore, he has experienced all the joys (and sorrows i guess) in that one day..that he could ever experience in a lifetime

:S *i knew i shud hve taken another philosophical course in uni*

Anonymous said...

I am sorry for posting off topic but i love the ' Dont click here" link in the links.....hahahaha...good idea....but i guess nice try :P

take care


Anonymous said...

it could also mean that living with a woman can be a painful thing that one day with her feels like your day is never-ending, complete with demands and nagging from the women....

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