Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Car Wash

Hey friends,

So ever since I got my car, I realized how often I needed to get it car washed because the weather here is so dusty. Every two days, I would be driving myself through the car wash, and again, it would be dusty and messy. Below my apartment building, there are two men who wash cars every night for all the tenants. One of them even approached me and asked me if I would be willing to pay him to have my car washed each night. I thought about his offer, and said no.

So, last night, at 11pm, I went down to my car with a bucket full of soap water and a wash cloth and proceeded to wash my own car. One of the guys there looked at me, well, more like started at me. He approached me "sir, why are you washing your own car. Let me wash it." To which I replied, "No thanks. I want to do my own washing." And I noticed how everyone that walked on by looked/ stared at me for washing my own car.

What's wrong if I wash my own car? So what if no one else washes their own car? Don't people wash their own cars in the West? Why can't I do the same here? Why do I have to rely on servants to get my job done here? Yes, I still haven't hired anyone to clean my own house. I do everything on my own, from doing my laundry, ironing my clothes, washing dishes, dusting, mopping, doing the bathrooms and so on. So, when I can do all that, why can't I wash my own car?



Anonymous said...

the way I see it, you are setting an example on how not to rely on servants for everything like I see so many arab families exploit their servants. May Allah reward for your intentions. I wish I could see more people like you in my life.


Anonymous said...

I love washing my own car !!! People look at me weird also, because I think they expect my husband to do it for me. But no, I love it !!

Keep washing. Its fun !

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