Wednesday, August 09, 2006

God in Control

Hey friends,

Just take a minute and ponder over these words.

Whatever is in Heaven and Earth
celebrates God. He is
the Powerful, the Wise!

He holds Control
over Heaven and Earth.
He grants life and brings death;
He is Capbale of everything!
He is the First and the Last,
the Outward and the Innermost.
He is Aware of everything!

He is the One Who created
Heaven and Earth in six days;
then He mounted on the Throne.
He knows what penetrates the earth
and what issues from it,
and what comes down from the sky
and what soars up into it.
He is with you (all) wherever you may be!
God is observant of anything you do.

He holds Control
over Heaven and Earth;
unto God do matters return.
He wraps night up in daytime;
and wraps daytime up in night.
He is Aware of whatever is on our minds.

---The Quran, Surah 57: The Iron

As I read daily about the devastation and destruction that's unfolding in Lebanon, especially the cruelties the children of Lebanon are suffering at the hands of Israelis, I cannot help but feel helpless, and wonder where God is in picture. Is the situation spiralling out of control? How many more sensless deaths to occur before the violence comes to a halt? I don't know the answers, but when I read a small headline in the papers that said "1000 Lebanese dead in 27 days; 1/3 are below 18," that was when my emotion couldn't handle it any more. I was forced to seek answer with God, and that was when I was directed to this verse in the Quran, and it gives me comfort in knowing that however crazy the situation might be, God is in Control. He knows what is happening and He knows best.



phaedrus said...

hey. this is so true, but it's still sad what we let happen to ourselves. there's a lot that muslims can do to help ourselves, but we're too busy buying yachts.

on a side note, many scholars believe that when Allah swt, says "and what comes down from the sky" he is speaking of iron (hence the name of the sura) and it has been discovered that iron is actually one of those elements that is NOT from earth. that it is extra-terestrial (something about the density and how it would take the energy of a dead sun to make iron). so pretty cool stuff.

Mansour said...

hey, thanks for that tid-bit. I will look it up in my Quran commentary book and check it out.


Anonymous said...

He knows best, He knows all...

Keep the faith and keep believing in Him...He is there..

He knows why.


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