Tuesday, November 09, 2004

The One About How All Our Actions Affect Those We May Not Know

A warm welcome,

I spent about two hours at the painting workshop on site today. There were only two people there, Hanif, who is a carpenter, and Aziz, who is a mason. I wanted to spend time away from my work at the office, and so joined Hanif and Aziz. They were there sanding the wood moldings, for the glass frames for the offices for the Sheikh, who is our client.

We talked about almost everything; from television, to Pakistan, to money, to food, to families, to work, to rude bosses all the way to my hearing aids. You see, Hanif is also deaf, although he has it because of old age. Hanif is nearing 70. He was 60 when he worked on the house that I live in today. Ten years ago, Hanif came to our house to fix the wooden doors for all the room. What he told me really touched my heart, and confirmed to me that all that we do in this world affects other people.

Hanif had come to our house to fix the doors. Hanif said that he was asked by my driver if he wanted anything to drink. Hanif lied and said no. he said that he felt a little bit ashamed to ask for a drink. My driver did not force anything on him. It was later, as Hanif recalled when my father came in to see the work being done, and said to my driver to bring some juice for Hanif. Hanif still rejected. Again, it was later on in the day, when my mother came and, as Hanif said, was a little upset that no drinks had been served to Hanif. My mother asked my driver to get tea and juice and something to eat.

What was amazing to me how well Hanif had remembered this incident. He said that he was so thankful to us all for the simple act of kindness we showed. I could imagine how he felt because I know for a fact that Saudis here do not usually treat people who come and work in their house with kindness and I have been a victim of such a situation as well.

Hanif’s situation reminded me of a book I finished reading. It’s called The Five People You Meet In Heaven by Mitch Albom. Very briefly, the books talks about what happens to Eddie who dies and meets five people in Heaven. These are people who are connected to Eddie in one way or another. A very cleverly written book, the underlying message is that all that we do, good or bad, affects the people around us. Often times we do not realize it, but even a smile or a simple handshake may mean the world to the other person. To hear from Hanif, ten years later, how much the actions of my mom affected him, so much so, he remembers it clearly, given his age as well, proved to me that our actions towards other have a deep and profound affect!

Yours from ready to spread kindness!


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