Saturday, April 01, 2006

Goodbye My Friend

Hello friends,

This is probably the hardest blog entry I have had to write. I wrote it last night, but then removed it, but then today morning, I felt like I absolutely had to do it. I have been contemplating a lot over whether I should continue to maintain my blog Life of Mansur or not, and those close to me know that I am going through a very bad period in my life at present. I don't even know where to begin to even start explaining why I feel Life of Mansur should end right now. I think I had reach my peaked sometimes at the end of last year. As I see the number of people visiting my blog drop faster and faster, I think I should have quit when I was at my peak. I don't know what I can do to maintain my base of readership. At one time 50+ people would visit it daily, now its dwindling down to the 20s.

Since I have also started my new job, I find it extremely difficult to maintain my blog the way I want to. Everyday I have new ideas and thoughts, but am just so tired to start writing it up here. I can do it in my hand written journal when I am commuting, but to actually get online and start typing up my thoughts can be cumbersome to me now.

I don't think I need to get into any further explanations as to why I am leaving my blog. As you all know, I have been obsessed with Blunt's songs in the last month or so, I feel like I can safely to my blog, "goodbye my friend, you have been the one for me!"

Take care you all, and thanks a million for being a part of a short-lived blog called Life of Mansur.



Anonymous said...

Do you really want to do this Mansur?

Goodness...I hope this is not some April Fool's joke you're pulling on us. Lol..

Ok, jokes aside, you don't have to write everyday you know. Just write whenever you can. Trust me, we will still be waiting eagerly to read your articles no matter when they are posted. I hope you will reconsider your decision.

Take care.


Anonymous said...


I respect ure what u think is best for u....hope we still stay in touch....take care of ureself


Ingrid said...

Dear Mansur,

I was away for a while due to being busy and then I read your goodbye. I totally understand that your busy schedule AND your perceived notion of lack of interest makes you feel like stopping this BUT...
why not take a break instead? Visitors will come and go because like yourself, everyone gets these bouts of busy times and it is no comment on your writing/life at all. I have enjoyed reading your posts every time I came so I am hoping you can just take your time to get in the groove with your new job and hopefully, you will return.
(Does that mean you will delete everything?? Hope not! )

peace buddy!


akjfaifjakmk said...

firstly, i'm really sorry to hear that u'r going thru a low phase.. but have faith..this too shall pass. God tests us through these lil tests in life.. u gotta b strong! and take it all wid a smile :). easier said than done fer sure.. but i also know that u'r strong enuff for this. Trust in God and know that whtever he does, he does for the best :)
2ndly, u dont know how muchhh ur words hve inspired me!! i ws going/still kinda going thru a low phase..and many of ur blogs helped me to understand that u can't give up.. that there is light @ the end of the tunnel [though u think there isn't]! ur blog gave me immense courage to live through one of my most painful days and i thank you frm the bottom of my heart for this. I guess i'll never b able to repay you for what u've done for me :) though know, im only a shout away if u EVERRR [which means even when u turn 90 :P lol] need n e thingggg!
3rdly, though i do respect ur decision for leaving .. i BEG u not to!! pls dont tell me that u were here only for the 'profile visited number'.. wsn't this more abt urself and providing quality writing which can be apprecaited by ppl (even if it ws 1!) .. im sure sum1 else just like me might get inspired and courage frm ur words.. u'r letting them miss out on such a great person!! that's not fair na :( - i guess i'm being selfish here.. but i do want u to realize that u mean sooo much to sooo many ppl who im sure u arn't even aware of. If i knew tht my words would give one person in one year the courage to move on and bear the pain. i'd stick around till forever :) hehe.. i hope you do get wht im trying to explain. wid all this said.. u'll b GREATLY missed by me.. so know that you do matter in this world! :)

- again, wishing u allll the best in life.. May God help you thru this phase and through others.. and may he bless his blessings and happiness on you always! u'll b in my prayes~
Hve faith..keep smiling and know God's watching..

K Khan said...

You don't need to update the blog every day or even every other day to keep it going. In periods when i'm busy i sometimes don't update my blog for a fortnight.

But yeah, i can relate to the fact that you there are often times when you think about something and say "yeah, i'll blog about this" but you end up not doing so because you're so busy and eventually you forget about what you wanted to blog about.

K Khan said...

btw. i hope & pray that Allah eases whatever is causing you concern :)

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