Sunday, April 16, 2006

Old Wives' Tales

Hey friend,

This is the first time I am blogging from work, and while I was cutting the humungous A1 size paper into smaller pieces, I accidentally cut the tip of my finger. Now, my instant reaction was to suck on it, instead of washing it or cleansing it. Why I did that, I don't know, but it's an impulsive reaction. Anytime there is a cut on my finger, I suck on it. It's something I have seen others do and so thought it must be effective. Plus it's a clever thing to do in public where you may not have access to tissue paper or wash room.

While I was sucking on it, I was instantly taken back to Jeddah, where at a party, one of the kids hurt herself. Another came up and told her to suck on the wound because you are taking in your own blood, thus avoiding any blood loss from your body. "What? How silly can you get?" I argued with her, but she was adamant that by sucking on your own blood, you are maintaining your quantity of blood. (So, like, if I suck on someone else's finger, will that blood be mixed in with mine or what?)

While on that topic, below are some of the more absurd old wives' tales I have heard over the years, and I wonder how much truth there is in each of these.

1. Anytime you cut yourself, either suck on it, or apply toothpaste.
2. Cleaning your teeth with your finger and toothpaste is more effective than a regular toothbrush.
3. Avoid drinking milk after eating fish to avoid developing white spots.
4. Anytime a cat or dog bites you, you need several injections in your stomach.
5. Eating almonds helps you keep your memory strong (my dad does this every morning!)
6. Biting your fingernails is like eating pork.
7. Using any perfume is not allowed because it has alcohol contents (I refuse to believe this one, but my cousin still strongly believes in this one till today!)
8. *For Men* Wearing briefs instead of boxers is not good for sperm production.
9. Carrots gives you amazing eyesight (yeah right!)
10. Never have lentils for dinner (someone told me this one, and I still don't understand the logic, hence the term Old Wives' Tales!)

Ok, so these are all I can come up at the spur of the moment. By the way, I once defied my grandfather and drank a whole glass of milk after eating tuna sandwiches just to prove to him you don't get white spots. I was being so bad.

Hey, do you guys know any more to add to the list?



akjfaifjakmk said...

heeey! im loving ur blogs man! lol

ok.. another popular tale is regarding burned skin and toothpaste.. and im guilty of following it ;) ... though i dont knw to what extent does toothpaste helps burned skin.. it does give it a cool sensation which in turn limits the burning pain :D!

u knw.. 20/20 hs great segments on uncovering old 'wives tales' - they go in and search abt how true they actually r [and some do prove to b true!]..! if n e of u get a chance, do pull up those shows and watch 'em :D

Ingrid said...

Hey Mansur,

nice to see you back! (I checked just in case, and I am glad I did)..I really liked your entry about your moms' going back home. Since I am an immigrant, I can relate to the 'going back' part. My dad dies also when I was young and how life changes drastically when something happens like that at a young age. That picture of your mom is very emotionally should frame it.


Mansour said...

i love watching 20/20..i used to watch it a lot before I started my new job..if I only had the time, I would still continue to watch it. I'll see if they have anything online.

Ingrid, I am so sorry about your dad passing away. I cannot imagine how difficult it must be. Looking at my mom made me think of what my reaction would be if anything like this happened to me.

I have actually framed that picture now. :-)


Anonymous said...


Nice post Mansur. Here are a couple I have heard about:

1) If the palm of your right hand itches it means you will soon be getting money. (NOT TRUE!!)

2) A watermelon will grow in your stomach if you swallow a watermelon seed, or any seed for that matter. (AS A LITTLE GIRL I ACTUALLY BELIEVED IN THIS ONE).

3) If you place your shoes one after another, it means you will travel or take a trip somewhere. (NOT TRUE!)

4) Apply toothpaste on burns. (IT WORKS, HAS A COOLING EFFECT, I BELIEVE IN THIS ONE).

5)If the sky turns a dark pink almost red color, someone innocent will die. (WHEN YOUR DAYS ARE OVER, YOU GOTTA GO, PINK SKIES OR NOT!)

6) Hair grows back darker and thicker after it has been shaved. (TRUE! VERY TRUE!)

7) If a crow flies into your house, you will be having visitors. (DON'T KNOW..I WONDER??)

Lol, there are so many more.. but it's funny how so many people out there do believe in these things.


Mansour said...

i agree with the hair thing, but will my hair grow back thicker and darker if I shave it off my head? I doubt it.

Anyways, here is another one:

When you have Hiccups, it means someone is missing you somewhere!

Mansour said...

how about the one where people say that the miracle of Allah is in your palm. Check them out, on your right palm you see the arabic number 18. On your left palm you see the Arabic number 81. Add the two numbers and you get 99, which is exactly the number of names we know of Allah.

I belived in this as a kid, but now I think someone made it up.


Anonymous said...

Yeah.. I heard about the 99 names of Allah (on the palms) thingy. I actually believe in that one.

I remembered two other weird tales. Im interested to know if anyone out there believes in these:

1) don't cut nails in the evening. its not good.

2) don't go out under trees after Maghrib time, the jinns reside there.


Mansour said...

toothpaste on a spot...then that should run the spot-cream businesses out of business...i have heard about the walking under the ladder and broken mirror. Realted to this, people say that if "spill salt, you need to take a pinch of salt and throw it over your left shoulder!" lol. The cheese at night= nightmare theory should be put to test.

I am not sure about the nail cuttting in the evening business. I cut my nails at all odd times, morning, night, evening, whenever they need to be cut. if this theory were true, then all manicurists will have no work in the evening!

The jinn one i have heard of when I was in pak, but then I think the elders would say that to us to scare us into behaving like angels! lol.

Anonymous said...

i've got one for u... If you make love and did not shower, you should not go walking on the beach or near the sea as jinns can possess you! I was told this by my aunty when i got married. one time i was even scolded by my mother for walking on the beach after spending a night with my husband at the beach.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous (above)

Ok, this is weird, but I heard something like this before. How true it is, I do not know.


Mansour said...

The "not taking a shower" one sounds bogus to me. It's amazing what some people can come up with. Superstitions and weird beliefs are very important to some people, so much so they will force it on other people.


Anonymous said...

perfume and cologne are totally halal as the chemical composition of the alcohol in them is totally different from the alcahol in wine/beer/etc. they share a common name but are not the same thing. and that little bit of info about boxers and briefs is absolutely true!

Mansour said...

laila- i agree with you about the alcohol thing, but i guess some people fail to understand the idea that alcohol in colognes are different from the ones people drink. It's up to him.

I too have heard about boxers vs briefs debate and studies show boxers are better.

thanks for your input.


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