Thursday, August 31, 2006

Where is Bin Laden?

Hello friends,

Last week, I watched a 2 hour documentary on Osama bin Laden presented by Christiane Amanpour on CNN, and by the end of it all, it became clear to me that the reporter Christiane Amanpour had totally absolved Osama of any wrong doing, and by tracing his footsteps from childhood has instead brought out the other men in Osama's life who created, fashioned, brainwashed and influenced him to be the man he is today. Amanpour described Osama as a shy and private boy when he was studying in school, and by following his steps into adulthood, we see how the more influential, radical Islamists had changed Osama into being the ultimate rebel. The documentary also exposed the weaknesses and failure Osama went through, especially when one of his battles in Afghanistan came to a dismal failure.

Osama is undoubtedly one of the most wanted man on this planet, and the documentary also talks about how the US has failed to catch him since the 9/11 attacks. Either Osama must be:

1. a genius evading the US military, or
2. the US are very careless, or
3. the US is deliberately not trying to catch Osama in order to bomb Afghanistan to pieces, or
4. God has a hand in this trying to safe guard Osama.

I am strongly led to believe in option 4. Why? Here's why.

In the compound I lived in Jeddah, one of our neighbors, and a man we would meet at the mosque every Friday would be Osama's brother. Not his step brother, but his own biological brother. On the surface he condemned his brother's hand in the 9/11 attacks, but underneath he described how he supports his brother in the larger battle of trying to put a stop to the attrocities the West is creating in Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan.

He related an incident to us.

His mother, Osama's mother, had a dream once where Prophet Muhammad came to her. The mother was crying heavily in her dream, and the Prophet asked her why she was so upset. She said that she was scared of the whereabouts of her son Osama, whether he was dead or alive. The Prophet told the Mother that she shouldn't worry because God is protecting Osama, and that she should be proud of him for the way he has been standing up to the oppressor.

As Osama's brother related to us this dream, he said that his Mother is not sad any longer, and instead claims as this dream to be a divine sign from God to her.

It is indeed a wonder why Osama hasn't been caught for so long.


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