Friday, November 17, 2006

New Books I Want to Read

Hello friends,

I was browsing at the mall last night, and I saw four books that I suddenly felt like buying and read them in one go. I think I will buy them when I'm bit more free so I can read them.

1. Lisey's Story by Stephen King
They say this is Kin'g most personal and most powerful story ever yet. It's not a traditional King horror story, but rather at its core is a love story, albeit a sad one. However the premise looks promising, and I ama huge King fan even today.

2. In the Line of Fire by Pervez Musharraf
A very controversial choice I know primarily because this book has been dissected, over analyzed, looked into and studied word for word and the general consensus is that it's mostly fabricated, filled with wrong information. However, it would be still be an interesting read. Many say that Musharraf life's in danger, and once he is out of his position as a general, people will make attempts on his life, hence his writing the book while he is still in position, for he may not be alive later.

3. In the Name of Honor by Mukhtaran Mai
Mai gained worldwide fame when her story was heard around the world. Mai is one of the100s of women who are raped for tribal reasons and with the controversial Hudood Ordinances (which have just been repealed of sorts recently) women like Mai find it difficult to prove their innocence. They say Mai has given Musharraf a run for being more popular.

4. For One More Day byMitch Albom
Albom became a favorite authorof mine after his hugely popular Tuesdays with Morrie, and a successful follow-up Five People You Meet in Heaven. For One More Day has an interesting premise, and his books tend to make you re-evaluate your life and make you realize how much you have to live for.

If anyone of you out there have read any of these books, any helpful review, advice, comments or suggestions would be helpful for me.



Smoothieshake said...

hey mansur, I watched pervez musharaf on the John Stewart show a few weeks ago. I was very surprised that on his US trip, he went onto this show to promote his book. I don't know much about him, but I think it would be an interesting read. As for mitch albom, I read the Five people you meet in heaven and i really liked it. Albom was recently in chicago promoting For one More Day. I think the idea of it is pretty neat, and i haven't read it yet... hope you like it!

Smoothieshake said...

hey mansur, I watched pervez musharaf on the John Stewart show a few weeks ago. I was very surprised that on his US trip, he went onto this show to promote his book. I don't know much about him, but I think it would be an interesting read. As for mitch albom, I read the Five people you meet in heaven and i really liked it. Albom was recently in chicago promoting For one More Day. I think the idea of it is pretty neat, and i haven't read it yet... hope you like it!

Anonymous said...


I think the book I would most like to read from the list you mentioned is Linsey's Story by Stephen King. I like Stephen King and have read a few of his books, and the fact that this one is a love story, I will surely read it. :-)


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