Thursday, July 19, 2007

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Hello friends,

It is with much disappointment that I am writing this post. My friend I went to see the midnight screening of Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix, which is based on book # 5. Book # 7, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is about to be released soon here in the UAE, and there is just so much mega-excitement all over town, to the point where one superstore is bringing a Daniel Radcliffe lookalike to town to take pictures with the kids (lame I think!)

The Order of Phoenix was a very drab affair. The formula for the movie seemed pretty much like the first part, where we see Harry suffer with his relatives and being teased by his cousin. An owl sends a message to Harry, whereby he is told he is expelled from Hogwarts because he used his magic powers outside of school. Yawn! There is a court scene where they decide whether to keep Harry in school or expel him. Yawn! A new professor comes to Hogwarts and restricts everything for the kids. Yawn! Harry starts up his own army to fight Lord Voldemort and in the process starts to develop romantic feelings for an Asian girl (who is conveniently forgotten at the end of the movie!) Yawn! Harry starts to feel the evil inside of him (pretty much like Spiderman who had this evil nature in him in part 3) Yawn! A final climatic battle takes place, and everything is resolved and the kids go back home in their train! YAWN!

I didn't understand what the hype was all about. Sure, it's an interesting movie, but the predictability factor set in and everything I was seeing in this movie, I had seen before. There was nothing new to it, apart from a couple of new creatures and characters, which wasn't good because Harry's friend Ron was relegated into the background! However it was refreshing to see the kids grown up and at times it felt like this was not a kiddie movie anymore. Harry Potter 5 is a serious, dark movie with a lot of underlying adult themes and with a lot more talking and less action. No doubt, the visual effects were amazing, but that didn't help me retain my interest in the movie like the first 3 parts.

If this is the way part 6 and 7 will be like, then I say there should be no more books after part 7. I hope they do something drastic and bring new stuff to the next sequel.

As for now, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix gets a 2 out 5 for me.



The Ego said...

Have you even read the books???

Mansour said...

Yes, I have read the first five books. i have not read book number 6, and have not got number 7 yet. i think book five was the weakest of them so far, and it even showed in the movie. i am hoping 6 and 7 would be worthy.


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