Thursday, November 15, 2007

Imran Khan Arrest: A Shameful Day!

Hello friends,

So much as been going on in my mind. Yesterday was a very sad and shameful day for the nation. To see Imran Khan being betrayed, manhandled, mistreated and tortured by a bunch of deluded Islamists was a shameful act, of which I am ashamed to be a Pakistani. Yes, I may have my pride of my heritage, but when certain section of society like these very students of Jamat Islami (JI) manhandle a national hero, it makes me sick. It shows to me that these people have no respect.

Since my dad is also involved in Imran Khan's party, he was there to witness the whole scene, and it turns out that several important news are not being covered by the media.

Imran Khan WAS invited by the students on campus, otherwise Imran Khan would not have gone there in the first place. Imran Khan was also invited at LUMS earlier. So for the students of JI to claim that Imran Khan came uninvited is false. Some of the JI students actually told the organizers of the rally that they are there to support to Imran Khan and will participate in the anti-Musharraf rally. How sad to see these very students LIE (so much for being a bearded Muslim) and BETRAY, and turn back on their words!!!

Inside sources say, according to my dad, that these students were paid between 2-400k for coordinating wih the police to arrest Imran Khan. The students of JI claim they locked him up for his own good, but pictures and their actions prove they are lying. These students have been bought for a price by the government. I don't blame these students, but the elders and the government who have corrupted and misguided these students.

A research on JI on the web will reveal how nasty this organization is. They have gone to the lengths of even murdering students who didn't adhere to their strict code of teachings. The one most annoying thing was when JI said that they do not want any political activity on their campus, yet they themselves are a political party on campus.

I am ashamed to be associated with a country that is being run by a mad dictator, and filled with hypocritical Muslims. I am ashamed to be in a country where national heroes are disgraced and disrespected. I mean Imran Khan, the one person who has led Pakistan to victory in cricket World Cup in 1992, the one person who has single-handedly built a massive hospital for the poor with the help of the so many donors, Imran Khan who has a sincere desire to bring justice to people in this nation, is being roughened-up and mistreated!

Pakistan is fast losing its respect here and abroad. Pakistan has been declared as the "most dangerous country in the world" in a recent Newsweek article. Pakistan was portrayed very negatively in last month's edition of National Geographic. Things are going from bad to worse all because President Musharraf has deluded himself into thinking he is saving the nation from the hands of extreme militants! I won't even get into the how much hand the United States have in supporting Musharraf. The United States needs to realize that now even the middle class are beginning to develop an anti-American attitude towards the Bush government because of their blind support for Musharraf. Commonwealth has set an ultimatum to Pakistan to lift the emergency of be suspended. Musharraf dismissed the ultimatum-- more shame to the country! Japan, US, UK, Norway and several other countries are reviewing their aid pledge and will cut back on sending aid- more troubles for the poor of this nation!

I was never much into Pakistani politics but now I am being forced to because if people like myself don't stand up, then who will. For far too long, the silent majority has been too silent. My sister now wears a black arm band, like 1000s others in the city to show their solidarity with others for removal of emergency. I am going to a massive demonstration rally today afternoon to protest against the government.

I am also seriously thinking of starting a "Free Imran Khan" or "Save Imran Khan" campaign. He has been charged with anti-terrorism laws (makes me wonder why Benazir Bhutto and several other people, including a leader from the JI party) are not being charged. Why single out Imran Khan? Because Imran Khan is fearless, ready to give his life for the nation so the people can get justice! I am thinking of starting a movement online, maybe print out leaflets, badges, t-shirts, banners and start distributing them across the city! Something needs to be done to restore democracy.

And yes, the situation is really bad on the ground level. The common man is not happy (they were never happy); but in recent times things have gone from bad to very bad!

However, because I believe in God, I have hope and faith in Him, and I trust He will bring something good out of this whole situation. God already sent a message to Pakistan through the earthquake in the Northern Areas in October 2005, and Pakistanis still didn't learn their lesson: change your ways for the good- but people still thrive on corruption, lying, stealing, cheating etc etc. Its comforting to know that God is in "control" of situation, and things have not gone out of control. God is just and merciful, and He will see to it that the prayers of those who are praying for a stable, safe and democratic Pakistan be answered!

ps. Metro Blogging Lahore is a good place to check out for recent updates on Imran Khan's arrest and also what's happening in the nation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I Agree with you 100%. Imran Khan has done more than just win the world cup and build a hospital in lahore. He is building another hospital in Karachi. He is building a Techincal College in Mianwali, where he got elected. He also built roads in Mianwali.

He has been consistent in his message and he has a clear vision, unlike other leaders who will flip-flop to save themselves.

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