Friday, June 10, 2005

Cover Your Face!

Hey friends,

If you are ever in Saudi Arabia, you will notice how censorship takes place on billboards depicting people. Anytime you see the ads for Giordano, Mango, Zara or any other retail shops in a mall, you will see that the faces of the models in the posters are censored. There are at time a huge white spot on the entire face. Other times, the faces are pixellated. I have seen others where the eyes are covered. This form of censorship is seen everywhere on photo ads that you see on billboards.

The basic argument for this form of censorship is that in Islam, any form of replication of a human being through means of photography is prohibited. It is not allowed because only God can create human beings, and man cannot replicate what God does. Taking photos of people, and hanging them up could lead to idolisation and reverence for that person, developing into worshipping that person. This reason is what I hear everytime when I ask people. This reason makes sense when you look at Islamic art: it's entirely calligraphic and abstract art (which in itself is extremely beautiful!!)

My next question then becomes to these people: why aren't the faces of King Fahd and other royalty ever censored in every office you step into? His photos are proudly hung up everywhere. Is that all right then? Why aren't the faces censored in the local newspapers? Why are faces not censored on the huge movie screen showing all the ads?

Which then leads to my next question: is photography prohibited in Islam? According to Islam Online, it isn't. Our Dialogue also says photogrpahy is permissible as long as it's not used for worshipping or anything of a similair nature. However, taking photos for the purpose of idolisation is not allowed, which makes sense. I have two cousins who tell me photography of people and animals are completey forbidden (one of them is from the Salafi group). I myself personally believe that taking photographs is all right. I love taking pictures of my trips abroad, with friends, certain occasions and so on.

I wonder what you all think about this?



MASS said...

some scholars say it is harram to take pictures others say its ok

I am a salafi my self and i dont consider pictures in general to be harram.
and salafiya is not a group if you read salafi literature its a methodology and way.

that is taking the quran and sunna by the understanding of the prophet saws and the companions and not any other so called interpretation, coz all other ones are false and the only true way is in that of Muhammad saws

statues are harram no question, no difference of opinion

Jo said...

If photography is haram then wouldn't everything else including any depiction of all of Allah's creations be wrong? When I take pictures I have absolutely no intention of replicating Allah's creation/s. And I very much doubt that any one would actually pick up a camera to do just that! Besides photographs aren't actually replicating anything. They are simply making a documentation of something which already exists. It's not the same as actually trying to replicate, say a human being, via cloning.
Also what about passport pictures? Wouldn't they be haram too? I doubt that all those claiming photography is haram don't have passports! Photography like all other technologies can be for good or bad. It's all about intention!

Mansour said...

Yeah, I also believe taking photographs is not wrong. I just don't understand why the faces are censored here in Saudi of models, be it man or woman or child, in all these poster ads, yet the King's face is not pixelated! Even the new ad for Saudi Telecom has a guy in it, who is a a saudi, wearing the saudi national dress, and his face is censored. Why even make the ad with a man in it in the first place?

I don't know if I should consider Salafi a group or not, because when they talk to me about it, I wonder how it is different from being a Sunni? You know what I mean? I mean, why not stay as a Sunni and not say "I'm a Salafi?" I understand there is a whole, huge network of Salafis here in the Middle East and most of them are converts and reverts from Europe.


MASS said...

salfi is just like saying am a real sunni

as to distingush from inovators and hertics like some sufis (not all sufis are heritics)

if you havent read any salafi literature then dont pass judgments

there is no head of salafis like fir example khomeni was the head of twelver shites

salafiyeen is just another name for ahl asunna wal jama3a or ahl al hadeeth

Imam Ahmad was asked about the saved group, or the saved sect or whatever you want to call it and he said it is ahl al hadeeth

even though the name ahl al hadeeth was not known at the time of the ompanions coz there were no inovations like now
and at the time of imam Ahmad

Mansour said...

So in other words, all Sunnis are Salafis, right? Or, all Sunnis who are not Salafis are not "real" Sunnis? I don't know Salafism, I just know Sunni. I get a little piffed when I have some people tell me "We are salafis. We are not like you."

I think I need to do some research on Salafism. I am not here to pass judgment, and yes, I have read some stuff on Salafism, and have been even through situations where attempts have been made to bring me to Salafism. That's all.


MASS said...

you dont have to use the name salfism to be a real suni rathter to be a real sunni you have to follow their beleif and menthodlogy

salafism doesnt mean that you pray a certian way or have ceertian a juristprudence that you follow
you can be from any math-hab and still be salafi, eg hanbali shafie, hanafi, maliki

as i told you if some one doesnt beleive that as i said before ''that is taking the quran and sunna by the understanding of the prophet saws and the companions and not any other so called interpretation, coz all other ones are false and the only true way is in that of Muhammad saws''

then yes there are problems and that person will become deviant and off the straight path

there are salafis every where not just the middle east and a some western converts

MASS said...

you said you know sunni so what is sunni???

Mansour said...

Sunni Islam to me is the “way” or “custom”, and so, the sunnah of the prophet means “the way of the prophet.” The general terminology for Sunnah is deeds, sayings and approvals of Muhammad. So this means that whatever he said, did, or approved during his ministry as a prophet and messenger of Allah is considered a sunnah, which Muslims are recommended to follow.

If we can agree upon this term for Sunni, then what is Salafi? Salafi refers to those group of people, within Sunni Islam, who interpret the sayings of the Quran, hadiths and consensus (ijma) as the first three generations of Muslims (Prophet's companions, the Tabayeen and the next generation) interpreted it.

I think my next post is going to be on this, because I know other people out there can benefit from this information as well. =)


MASS said...

cant wait

quickly quickly Mansur :P

Mansour said...

LOL! You have to be patient. I am currently reviving my previous experiences, checking out new sources, and will soon write it up here. All good things come to those who wait!


Anonymous said...

Quite agreed.

Zaakir Abdullah said...

Assalamualaikum, the problem guys is look at all of your statements. They all begin with " i dont think ". And that is where the danger lies. Its not up to you to make the ruling. Its what Allah says. If we all did what we THOUGHT was ok, we'd all be hell fire bound. Its not based on your personal opinion, its based on Quran and sunnah. Which the sunnah cleary states that a person who makes images of people will be asked to bring them to life on the day of resurrection. Anytime you begin a statement concerning Islam with " I think " its best to shut up right then and there because your delving into dangerous territory.

Zaakir Abdullah said...

{It is not for the believing man or woman, when Allaah and His Messenger have decreed a matter that they should have any option in their decision} (Soorah 33:36)

Anonymous said...

If anyone can tell me about about any authetic refrence which says that photography of livingbeings iis not haram in Islam then I would be eally really grateful .

Zaakir Abdullah said...

The ruling is based on a hadeeth. Obviously cameras werent around back then, so it wont say photgraphu specifically.

Anonymous said...

What you or I think/feel is irrelevant in Islam, remember we are slaves? we have been the right to use our intellect in certain things, not when it comes to Fiqh. Islam online even said its okay to shake hands with girls when the messenger of Allah never shook a firl's hand in his life and said it was better for a nailhead to pass through our head than..(you all know the hadith), so please check through ulema who are known to issue fatwa not on personal opnion but with references to qur'aan and sahi hadith. The biggest illusion we need to remove from our minds is "In my opinion" when it comes to Islam. It is only Allah and His messenger's directive that counts. May Allah guide us all to true islam, free from innovations and individual opinions.

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