Monday, June 13, 2005


Hey friends,

I have to let you know that I will not be blogging for the time I will be in Saudi. Hearing certain things about how dangerous it is to write from here in Saudi, and how the authorities can catch out people writing about Saudi Arabia critically is kind of off-putting for me. I guess I have been taking things too lightly. Is it a mistake that I was the only one who has a picture up?

There was some discussion earlier about what would happen if the Saudi authorities catch me out. That is something to think about, and while I have been stating that I don't go beyond what the writers in local newspaper say about the issues here in the kingdom, for an expat citizen in the country the situation would be completely different. If I were a Saudi writer, I may be safer. if I were writing from abroad, knowing that I am comign back to Saudi, I would safer. But I am an expat in Saudi. Would I have enough power to reason with the Saudi government if they catch me? Will they understand my reasons if I should have to explain why I was blogging? Will they understand me if I tell them that I was never here to criticize the government? Will they understand me at all?

A personal story related to me by a family friend put things into perspective. He was a student who had come in from the US for his summer berak to Saudi. When time came for him to leave, he was caught just minutes before he got onto plane. He was listed on the no-exit list. He was not allowed to leave the country. He was taken to the Saudi jail, interrogated severly, all the while not telling the parents where their son was. After a month, the student was released, all traumatised and all. It turned out that he shared a name that was almost similair to another person they were looking who was critical of the Saudi government through his writings.

I do believe that although the times here in Saudi have changed from 20 years ago where people are now more outspoken than ever before, there are still some sections of people who are intolerant and would have more power to have me jailed or arrested.

Maybe I am becoming paranoid? Maybe I am getting conspiracy ideas in my head? Maybe I am carrying this too far, but it's better to safe than sorry, right?

(If there is anyone out there who could help me in my dilemma whether I should continue to write about Saudi issues or not, please let me know all that you can! Is it safe? How safe is it? Should I just concentrate on other non-Saudi matters? Should I not write about Saudi at all? Gosh, I am stuck and a little bit scared!)




Mansour said...

Well, I dont want to disclose names here, but sadly its a true story. I know there are other cases where people have been illegally detained for interrogated while families do not know of their whereabouts. It happens here. I guess I was just overly-concerned about my writing about Saudi issues. My initial reaction was just like yours, but when you hear a personal story, it changes the whole perspective.

W. Do you think I should stop writing about Saudi issues? Will I get in trouble if I do write about it?


Anonymous said...

yea stop please

muscati said...

Why not just not write about stuff that might get you in trouble. How long you gonna be in Saudi anyhow?

Jo said...

At the end of the day it is your choice and if you don't feel safe then it aint worth it! But I have to admit if I can get away with half the crap I say to royals face-to-face then I doubt anything you've written in your blog would get you in trouble!!!
Btw I think you're more likely to get locked up for any negative comments on the mutawa than you are for criticising the government.

MASS said...

ive heard worse but only to saudis
not expats

as long as you arent in a clear cut ideology you will be fine from the expressions i got,

i say ease up on the writing and yll be fine

Anonymous said...

I don't think your writings here could get you any troubles, but anyhow, if you are worried about it then just smiply don't write about sensitive issues..
You'll be just fine :)

Mansour said...

I dont essentially live in Saudi, but I do have the residence permit for here. My parents are still here, and if not me, I could get my parents into trouble.

I don't have an agenda. I am not here to over throw anyone or any institution. I am just here expressing my thoughts and I happen to live in Saudi. If I were in Pakistan, UK or some place else, I would be writing about my experiences in those places.

As it is, I have already written some posts on my love for Saudi. Maybe I think I should contribute on the goodness of this country instead of talking about all the issues the country is facing. We have the newspaper for that.

Thank you all for the input. I think my conscience is bugged right now, and although I will continue to write here, I will steer away from things that just might land me in trouble.

(Oh gosh, I did not think I could get into a more serious trouble from the mutawa! )


MASS said...

relax man

inshallah no problem

why dont you write the good stuff about saudi

like the only country in the world where sharee3a runs the place,,

where women have to cover etc,,where saudi spends millions on spreading Islam and improving the life of others

Saudi is very generous even if they have plenty of problems

Jo said...

Sharee3a runs the place? LOOOL!!!
Women cover?! Not all women in Saudi cover! Besides women cover in many countries including europe! And btw covering is not compulsory, only covering the hair, not face!

Mansour said...

I think what I will focus now on are the saudi people who are making a difference for the country.

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