Saturday, June 04, 2005

Random News from Jeddah!

Hi friends,

So I am here in Jeddah, and I see three news artciles relating to UAE in today's papers! Here they are!

O Expat Families Leave Expensive Sharjah
O E-Mail Hoax Triggers AIDS Scare in UAE
O 1-Year Jail for Kissing Couple

There have been other smaller things that I am noticing for the first time. The other evening, I was in McDonalds, I saw the Saudi manager wearing the green wristband which says: Proud to be Saudi! I know it's been an old fashion trend, but I saw it for the first time!

The other big news here is the debate going on about whether women should drive or not. The religious elements have finally agreed that Islam doesn't forbid women to drive, but they say "the society is not ready for women to drive." Sir, if they are not ready now, when will they ever be ready?! They also argue that if women are allowed to drive, the male-folk will start to harrass the women, cause more accidents and so on. Al right, so if that scenario is predicted, doesn't it show you something about how the male population are being brought up. In my opinion, I think the arguments presented bythe Islamits are weak and somewhat cowardly, because they fear by alowing women to drive, they will lose control over what women should or should not do. People who have been arguing for allowing the women to drive have to stand up against such kind of reasoning, which I am sure can be frustrating. They should at least allow the women to drive on a trial basis, or maybe even have certain timings in a day in which woman can drive, like 9am to 9pm.

Ok, so who is this Princess who claims that "WE’LL PROBABLY BE IN THE 23RD CENTURY BEFORE ANYONE ELSE– PRINCESS LOULWA" I balked at her interview. It turns out, according to her, Saudi Arabia is in the 23rd Century before anyone else solely on the basis of importing technologies from the outside world. I could not help but be skeptical of this idea of progressing into the future through the inventions and ideas of the outside world.

Rejoice....there is finally a Human Rights society in Saudi Arabia. Okay okay, all right, so there is a Human Rights society but only a "SMALL NUMBER’ OF 2,000 HUMAN RIGHTS CASES SETTLED SO FAR." Amnesty International have already made claims about Saudi Arabia not being honest with their Human Rights record. I think I will let this article speak for itself.

There are loads of other news here from Saudi, but I will let you muse on the ones up above!




MASS said...

yr in a country respect the law

the whole point of not allowing driving is what this lead to (MIGHT)
it s called sad atharaa2i3 personally i dont mind women driving but i dont mind them not driving as well in saudi

i wonder what will happen if I report you to saudi authorities:P

Mansour said...

a. I totallyagree with you..about the kissing thing, yes, if you are in the country, you should know better than that--- for two unrelated people to kiss like that is asking for trouble.

b. The issue of women driving or not driving will take another 10-15 years, according to some insiders.

c. I wonder too what would happen if I get reported to saudi authorities-- but I have always kept within boundaries, because I don't go any further than the writers of Arab News or Saudi Gazette. So even if they catch me, they should realize that there have been more critical writers than I have been. =)


MASS said...


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