Sunday, April 17, 2005

Long Break

Hey everyone,

I have been away from this blog for a while now. My sister is here visiting me and I have been been busy hanging out with her. I have been to the City Center Mall both in Dubai and Sharjah and watched several movies with her as well. We saw Zeher (** out of *****), Hitch (*** out of *****) and Hum Tum on the DVD (**** out of *****), prior to which we made chicken fajitas, potatos wdges and nachos with melted cheese! I can sit down and write the reviews of all these movies, but what I wanted to talk about was the issues of relationships as depicted in Hitch and Hum Tum. Somehow I wish the makers of these kind of films stick to reality-- young minds are very impressionable and I wish they would realize that movies dont necessarily depict reality.

Anyway, I will be away from my Blog for a while.

Have a great day!


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