Saturday, March 29, 2014

Burj Al Arab- The Side They Don't Want You To See!

Hello friends,
We have all seen or heard about the Burj Al Arab hotel in Dubai, right? The iconic structure in Dubai, which is so famous it is used on the car licence plates. It is billed as the only 7-star hotel in the world. It is also billed as the tallest all-suite hotel in the world.
When I was in my junior year of architecture, my class went on a visit to see this new marvel. we managed to get in for free, otherwise you have to pay Dhs 200 at the gate, for which you get voucher meant to be used inside at restaurants or gift-shops. We saw the suites, and each floor has its own butler, plus each suite gets it own personal butler. Ok, so we have seen images of this hotel from all angles, well, almost all.
You see, the media is so clever here, they don't want you to see the hotel from the sea. They will always show you the image of the hotel from the front side, or from above, never from the sea. Why? Because, once you see it from the sea, you see one of the world's largest Christian cross in the world.
When we were there on the trip, one of us raised up the question of what the purpose of that huge mast at the top is for. The answer: it's not a functional piece. It's not a tele-communication pole. It was part of the design. The architect who designed this hotel is not here anymore, and once he went back home, in his interview he said that he was successfully able to implement the construction of a Christian cross in Dubai! I can't seem to find that interview any more on the web. 
See the image of the hotel which they never show you. Ask yourself: why that huge mast at the top? Why make the restaurant stick out like that? It's only there to make the cross! Interesting, isnt it? One of the world's largest Christian cross is right here in Dubai!



MASS said...

Arabs with no religion are just dumb

thats what we get from letting kuffar do everything for us

thats just a big slap in the face of emaraties

Anonymous said...

i heard b4 that the one who desighened burj al arab said he will bult the largest Christian cross in the world in one of the muslim's country ( means UAE) ...i really feel sorry 4 us ....we are the weakest part of thw world and we will be like that until we understand our religion and know the value of it

Mansour said...

Imagine, everyone who buys the Burj Al Arab replica model will inadvertently be keeping a Christian Cross in their homes. It's kind of sad for the government, because nowhere in the country will you ever see the hotel from the sea, always the front side (which is supposed to be the back side anyways-- so the front elevation is the Cross side!)

Dubai is fast becoming (already became) the European city it aims to be. What makes it funny for me is when they advertise Dubai has cultural and heritage sites-- they dont!

Madinat Jumeirah is a great place-- very touristy-- but great place. It's like a theme park version of an authentic souk!


muscati said...

I've been hearing this story for years but can't find any proof that the architect really said. Do you have a link to it?

I think the cross is just coincidental.

Mansour said...

I think he is in denial. I certainly read the interview where the original architect did say he wanted to include the cross. I need to dig up that interview online somewhere, as I read it in London back in 2002/2003. People here deny that there is cross for reasons understandable.

I just wonder, what is the purpose of the mast? Why do we never see the hotel from the front side? I just wonder, that's all!

Even I did not like the inside of Burj al Arab...especially the extravagant display of materials from abroad. If yuo went to the main ballroom on the top floor, they used real gold leaves for the dome in the ceiling. Mosaic from Italy. Linen from Ireland. Such display of wealth!

Madinat is so much better. More relaxed, and more fun to be at.


Jo said...

What cross?!? I haven't seen a cross!!! I've seen a documentary about it where they showed the hotel from every corner and there was no cross in sight. Have you actually seen a cross? Also did you ever think that maybe the reason for the mast is because it adds more height to the building!!!
And if there is a cross well serves us arabs right. Why hire non-muslims to build our cities? We have Muslims who are smart enough to do the job. All we ever do is complain about what others are doing to us and our land!
And I hate this criticism of Dubai. We should be happy that finally we Muslims have a place that we can be proud of. Finally, there's a Muslim city which can actually survive on its own without the need for oil or loans from the West!!!

Mansour said...

hi jo,

thanks for your comments. Where did you see the documentary? I don't think you can deny that a cross is there. But really, why is it we always see on every single brochure and guidebook printed here the hotel from the front. International documentaries may show it from all around, but local tv don't show it. Even the ad for Emirates airlines where the Chinese lady is shown flying from atop the hotel, the cross side is not shown. It is a subtle act. I may be wrong, but the original architect certainly made a claim about it. I will need to dig up his interview.

Adding a pole to include it in a height will not make this the tallest hotel in the building. In other words, a non-functional piece of architecture cannot be used to make a claim it is the tallest hotel in the building. For example, I cannot make a tall building as Burj Al Arab, and then add a 10 meter pole and say my building is higher. Usually these kind of poles are tele-communications poles, but when we were there, the hostess who showed us around literally told my whole group and professors that the pole is not used for anything, it's just a "part of the design."

I am not criticising Dubai, I simply stated what had been on my mind. I had been passing through this hotel a lot of times these last few days and so came up this idea. I don't think Dubai is a "muslim" city any longer, with what that goes on here. Sharjah, ok, yes, you can say that. Dubai, I am not convinced.


Jo said...

How many truely Muslim countries or cities are there now though? Most are all superficial.
The documentary was on the discovery channel and I never saw a cross. Did you ever see one? As long as you haven't seen it then it's just another conspiracy theory Arabs bother wasting valuable time with...

MASS said...

since when was discovery channel something we trust !

Jo said...

q8ibloger: Well why wouldn't the discovery channel show the cross? They have nothing to hide. I can understand how in UAE they would try to hide it but not this channel. Besides, without the need to emphasize the cross, the discovery channel would have shown it one way or another if it really did exist.

MASS said...

يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا إِنْ جَاءَكُمْ فَاسِقٌ بِنَبَإٍ فَتَبَيَّنُوا أَنْ تُصِيبُوا قَوْمًا بِجَهَالَةٍ فَتُصْبِحُوا عَلَى مَا فَعَلْتُمْ نادمين

thats the case with a fasiq that you dont take anything they say for granted but rather you should make sure its true,so what about a kafir??

am sure they wouldnt want to make controversy,and if they never showed a pic it doesnt mean it doesnt exist

Mansour said...

The cross was meant to be a subtle thing. I also the one on Discvery. I guess Jo you are right about it, but then again, the design needs to be explained. There is always a reason for having a restaurant stick out like that; for the mast to be sticking out like that. It was a subtle kind of thing.


Anonymous said...

Discussion on Burj Al Arab:

There is still a debate on the suspicious duoble-meaning on the cnotroversial "cross!"

Mansour said...

Hi people,

here is a good website I found on the controversial cross on the hotel.

The author mentions that the architect joked with people back in France that he managed to get the cross built here. For him to say that means that the idea of a cross was at the back of his mind.

I don't have a problem with that. UAE has churches and temples. They have Christmas services. Malls are decked out with Christmas trees and Santas and all. So, having a cross on the hotel is a sign of tolerance on part of the UAE government.


Jo said...

"thats the case with a fasiq that you dont take anything they say for granted but rather you should make sure its true,so what about a kafir??"... So if a muslim tries to feed me crap am supposed to take it? In this case, it is a Muslim making the claim so the ayah has no relevance to this discussion! Dude seriously lighten up. Islam is such a beautiful and peaceful religion. You make it sound so hateful and absolutely paranoid.

"am sure they wouldnt want to make controversy,and if they never showed a pic it doesnt mean it doesnt exist"... It is this kind of backward thinking and obssession with conspiracy theories that has led the Arab World to the dispicable situation it is in now.

Unless you can prove there is a cross, which so far no one has, then it does mean there is no cross and it's just another conspiracy theory!

Mansour said...

OK guys, I did not mean to start up an argument.

I guess JO is right....I also bought into this conspiracy theory kind of thing....since I remember everyone talking about it.

I don't even know why I posted this up, but just thought what everyone else thought about it.

But I also believe that there was something going on in the mind of the architect who designed this...because as an architect, I question the non-functional piece of mast, and the postioning of the restaurant up there. It may be a pure design element.

Like the link I posted before, I guess I needed to focus on more serious issues than to wonder if there is a cross or not?


Jo said...

Mansure: Actually, I think it's good that you made this post, because I think it is important to highlight the fact that conspiracy theories, sadly, are taking over the Arab World, as shown by the fact that not one person here has actually seen the cross yet they're willing to believe anything they hear without any proof whatsoever!!!

MASS said...


what makes you so deffensive???
there s nothing to be insecure about ?? your the one who ough to lighten up

i only cited an ayah!!!!!!

im not quite sure if the Cross exists or not i never saw Burj al3arab myself,,but i thought according to Mansur from the back it did

dont mix arguments
when i talked about dicovery channel not showing it doesnt mean it doesnt exist,,!!!!!

i never said in reality we can prove it or not,, if we cant prove it in realty then it doesnt exist !!!

no conspircay theory no any nonsense!!!
dont make up stuff i never said!!

Jo said...


You said this: "am sure they wouldnt want to make controversy,and if they never showed a pic it doesnt mean it doesnt exist"

You also said this: "since when was discovery channel something we trust !"

So ummm what exactly did you mean by that then???????????

Anonymous said...

As a Muslim I'm disappointed by both the post and the comments.
As a Muslim living in the West, the authors of the post and comments prove that Muslims are idiots. Who cares if there appears to be a cross like shape in the hotel? How does this possibly affect your lives or your religion? Please stop the conspiracy theories and own up to your own inadequacies.

Mansour said...

Hi anonymous,

while I respect all my opinions, calling me and the commenters here 'idiots' says a lot about who you are. My aim in this article was not to show that my faith will weaken because of something like this. Far from it.

I wrote this post because as an architect I question the design in the structure. It's still a discussion point amongst some circles in architecture. Even if there is no cross, as designers, we look for reasons for such kind of structure. To be called an idiot for this is simply pre-mature and ignorant on your part.


Anonymous said...

Hey anonymous,

just because you are "living in the west" does not make you superior in any way. who the hell do you think you are coming in like this calling the author and comments idiots. so what if its a conspiracy theory. no one is asking you to believe in it. its just an article for heaven's sake. get a life and come down from your superiority complex. good luck. and as a "muslim living in the west", who died and gave you the right to call others idiots. its more shameful that you are displaying your "muslim living in the west" attitude looking down on the authors and comments. Shame on you!

Anonymous said...

I've hear this story before but don't know how true it is. However, a couple of years after I built my house, I was swimming along and discovered a perfect cross design in the mosaic tiles right in the center of the front end of my pool. Due to the size and balance of the cross in comparison to the rest of the tiles, I am 100 % sure it was no accident. The Christian masons had left their mark on my home.

Anonymous said...

there are several other places here in Dubai where the use of the christian crosses can be fact one of the car showrooms has three crosses right at the beginning of their entrance, which reminds me in the Bible of the the crucifixion as Jesus and two others were being crucified. I will try to take pictures and send you the address here.

Anonymous said...

Hay What Arabs . who can oh .. your stage show fine. Thanks world may lerge more than you think.Temple truth country visit kandy as soon as posible now war tage make that you. concern that you need above information contact or and contact me on your stadium for lunch.Company CEO may visit again do vist |sRI LANKA HOME TOWN COLOMBO -DOMPE

Anonymous said...

didnt anyone review the plans of building el burj? didn't any official or manager who's emaraty or muslim see the plan of building burj el "arab"? something's fishy here :\ for each building there is a preview of how it's gunna look at the end. the mystery of burj el arab @@

Anonymous said...

one more thing. any cross can be "disfigured" by adding something more to it, why don't they do that to any cross in the uae? :\ could it be that it's something that is meant to be like it is to grab christian tourists? could it be? no one knows.. @@ *makes spooky sounds*

0pium said...

To me, the design of the burj is exactly like what it was intended, a ship mast.
These kind of ships are part of the Emarati hertige as they mostly depended on fishing. The mast of their ships was what inspired the design of the burj and i personaly think that the suggestion saying it was intended as a cross is a bit far fetched

Search for images of a ship mast and you will see that it does actuly look like a cross. But u cant simply declare war on all crosses just because they resemble a relegion.

Anonymous said...

aslam o allikum

i am also muslim and from pakistan and now in uae. my dear arab govt and local watni pplz what happend to ur religious y u all are quite. u still not understand whats the hell these christianity pplz are doing. plz plz i humble request to all of the govt and watni pplz do some thing about this building dont destroy all building but atleast just do some thing that cross sign. i have seen this building hundred time but today when my freind tell me this is the story i really got a shocked my dears and suddenly i chk all about this history online and after that i giving this comments plz plz do some thing. plzz

Anonymous said...

Hi Bhatti,
I read you comments.But dont you think that you should be careful when you use some words like "Hell" to describe about other religions.
I dont think that this was done from the architect by intentinally.DUbai is such Stromg country that we got efficient and intelligent ruler and other senior peeople.They will not agree with a singlr architect who is doing any kind os nonsense according to his wish.WHy dodnt you tery to see its beauty rather than pointing out something.

Marie John said...

Hey all of you who think it looks like a cross and got offended, the human body itself looks like a cross, so why don't you cut off your arms so that you no longer looks like a cross.... Religion has ruined ur brains.. U idiots...

Anonymous said...

all this is bs we have tons of your mosques and stuff you guys do in are countries. So what? its just a cross. You guys are rely idiotic thinking saying that the cross is evil or so and such , like whats your problem with it? Just suck it up . we let any religion in are country , so whats the problem with yours?

Anonymous said...

dumb analysis

Arabian Stories said...

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Unknown said...

Horizontal line never gives height effect, it gives shortening effect

Unknown said...


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