Monday, October 03, 2005

Height of Stubborness

Hey everyone,

As I was crossing the road in front of my house today to get to the other side, I stood on the hard shoulder. Now, we all know the cars are not supposed to be using the hard shoulder as a driving lane. I don't understand why cars use it.

So, I just stood there while there was a break in the traffic so I could cross. All the while cars coming down the hard shoulder were forced to slow down and get back into the proper driving lane. I know what I was doing was dangerous and could have gotten myself hurt or killed, but I felt like teaching a lesson to the drivers who are doing something illegal. Taxi drivers honked at me. Buses flashed lights at me. Other cars were forced to slow down, and look at me as if I were a crazy person. Only once did I take a step backwards to let a bus whiz past by me, missing me from probably inches. I was at the height of my stuborness at that particular moment.

I have my bouts of being stubborn, especially when it comes to arguments. I don't take anything at face value. If someone tells me something which is debatable, I take their statements as just a statement, and aim to seek the truth about it. I am sure you must have seen my bouts of stubborness here on my blog too when I posed the article on Islam and Music, as well as Free Will and Predestination.

I think it is very important to seek the truth out, instead of taking someting at face value. If I believe in something very strongly, I stick to it. It would take a lot to convince me otherwise. I have my sets of beliefs and values, and I stick by them. This doesn't necessarily make me inflexible or rigid. I am most flexible, and am willing to listen to all sides of the arguments, but then I form my opinion after I do some searching. That's my stubborness!

I think all Taurus are like this. They are stubborn bulls. Even my mom is a Taurus, and at times she can be stubborn about things. Are there any other Tauruses out there who are stubborn about things?



Steve said...

I want to read what you wrote on free will, which post is it?


Mansour said...

Hi Steve,

I hyperlinked my previous article in this post. Just clik on the title and it shall lead you there to the original article.


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