Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Photos Blocked!

Hello friends,

I am totally deprived of posting my pictures up here on my blog. is blocked. I tried posting pictures through Blogger, and the pictures are blocked. I tried using Photoucket and that is also blocked here. Does anyone out there know how to get my pictures up here on my blog? I have seen some bloggers with profile pictures that can be seen, and some pictures on their blog posts which are not blocked. What's your secret?

Anyone out there who has bypassed this photo blocking thing? Help me!

Thanks a million!



Mansour said...

I think its because a small part of the populaton here misused and abused the services of free photo-sharing sites, putting up pornographic pictures, hence the blockage comes into place. People like me haveto suffer. This is injustice, but what to do, this is KSA!


Ahmed said...


I know this is off topic, but I could not found it your email. I read your comment on my blog about the Saudi Gazette thing on the 29th. Do you have any idea how I could find that issue in Riyadh?

Ahmed said...

could you please reply to my email? saudijeans at gmail dot com.

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