Monday, December 19, 2005

Weight Loss

Hey you all,

When I was sick recently due to extreme dehydration, during which I had not eaten for almost five days and had to take in eight bottles of saline solution, I lost a lot of weight. I used to weigh 92kgs I am down to 85kgs. That's a loss of about 7 kgs. Within five days I lost 7kgs. I see this experience as an opportunity to keep my weight down. I am trying hard to maintain it, bt God, those chocolates....I just got to have them.



Nash said...

I know you feel good about it, but losing weight that way is not recommended.

If only chocolates make you gain, then challenge yourself by reducing intake. For example, everytime you open a chocolate bar, eat only half :)

Mansour said...

of course I agree with you: losing weight this way is not good. I did not think i would lose weight till i weighed myself and realized how much i had lost. I will eat chocolates...there is no way I can eat half a bar no matter how much i control.....i can give up food items from other groups..but chocolates, no way!



Mansour said...

This is definitely not a healthy way to lose weight...I only managed to survive because I was being given the saline solution through the "drip" to compensate for all the food and water I had lost. I am glad to report that I am back to eating and drinking normally, although I took the opportunity to maintain my weight and make healthy choices (bar chocolates and chocolate milk!)


Anonymous said...

Hi, Alf salamah alik ya Mansur!! I don't know if you read arabic ;), but take care next time and being over weight isn't bad, with brains like yours then who cares of anything else!! I just wanted to tell you, your a great writer and i would love you to help out if you don't mind. Your so vivid in your writing best wishes for anything in your life but you have a great future waiting for you take it from me ;).


Mansour said...

hey batatagirl,

I appreciate your kind words..but it got me I know you? Even if I don't, I am still appreciattive for your kind words.

hey everyone else! I know I need to to try and update my blog here...but it's just been so busy back here in Jeddah! I had loads and loads of stuff to write about (especially about how Christmas is being celebrated here and in Dubai with full force!)

Just bear with me, and I shall be more regular. Thanks.


CG said...

cut your chocolate up into small pieces, freeze and keep in a zip lock bag in the freezer. When you want some, go get a piece and suck on it for as long as it remains solid. Do not ever allow yourself to get more than one cube at a time. Oh and btw, you are really lucky you don't have to deal with PMS, thats when a 6 pack of snickers can be devoured in one sitting...

Anonymous said...

Hiya Mansur,

Sorry i didn't go back in reading your writings i was busy, i just came back from Lebanon and i'm supposed to be leaving back again ;)!! No u don't know me but you attracted me by your writing it's a long story, and do me a favour don't thank me over something that is you thank god and your self for what you are ,Mashallah :) best wishes and Hope you the best!!

Anonymous said...

Oh by the way "HAPPY NEW YEAR !!"

Anonymous said...

This is not the way to loose weight with in 5 days. Do dieting by not eating red mutton 7 taking more vegetarian like hindu's. Do maintain health by brisk walk and some physical excecise.


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