Friday, May 19, 2006

The Da Vinci Code excitement

Hey friends,

The one thing I am most excited about is the release of the movie The Da Vinci Code. The movie was screened at the Cannes film festival where it received from lukewarm to not too good reviews. Critics claim it's more of a summer blockbuster than theology-based movie it really should be. I for one, have read the book and absolutely loved it. Here's my book review of it.

Tom Hanks is one of my favorite actors, and I am so excited to see his new movie. I am prepared for this movie to not live up to my expectations, but it's been directed by Ron Howard, who has chosen to treat this movie as a summer blockbuster, a captivating intense, mystery detective thriller movie. I always loved the Indiana Jones series because of the adventure/ mystery element of it.

I am just really waiting in anticipation for the movie to be released.

Right now, there is a huge debate going on whether the movie should be released here in the UAE or not. The censor board has agreed to release the movie, with one scene chopped off. I still don't understand what the deal is with the censor board. If the book, both the regular and illustrated ones, are available here, why are you delaying the release of the movie. It's like what they did with Syriana. They allowed the filmmakers to shoot parts of the movie in Dubai, and then when it came for the movie to be released, they delayed it by so much that people eventually ended up watching it on pirated DVD, thereby hurting the movie sales when it was eventually released a little too late.

Anyways, it's coming out here on May 31st, and I am going to make sure to catch the first day show. Will let you all know how it is.



phaedrus said...

i'm going to see it tonight! i heard that some people at cannes were laughing at a line that was supposed to be serious, and that tom hanks was like a zombie..hard to believe, he's a great actor! i'll wait till you put up your review before i comment.

Mansour said...

any feedback from you now would be highly appreciated...we all know what the story is about and what the controversy is about...from my understanding, the acting and casting is perfect, but the treatement of the novel is what critics are not liking...remember, critics gave bad reviews to Titanic, yet that movie went on to become the world's highest the critics may not necessarily harm the movie's profits which it is surely to make given all the hype and buzz it has created....


phaedrus said...

ok, so i loved this movie. it was fun to watch, interesting and suspensful. think "National Treasure" but more serious. i don't think tom hanks is going to win any awards for his acting in this movie, he was pretty much just reading the script...but the other charecters really make up for it.

Anonymous said...

Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.

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