Saturday, May 06, 2006

Movie:: Hostel

Hey friends,

About a week ago I saw Hostel, which created waves upon its release. It was like The Blair Witch Project of 2005. Hostel is directed by Eli Roth who made Cabin Fever, which is another intense, claustrophobic movie (and one which I like a lot!)

Hostel is about two American students who are backpacking through Europe, and include an Icelander in their group. They go clubbing, meeting women and have sex- typical of young single men who are in Europe in search of drugs and women. One particular night after returning from a club, they find out they are locked out of their hostel, and another guy Alex takes them in. When our three guys are with Alex, they get to hear from Alex about this "Hostel" in Slovakia, where there are young, beautiful women who crave for men, especially American men. Alex shows the guys the pictures of naked women, and the next thing we know, our three friends are on their way to Slovakia to meet with the girls and have sex.

However, one fine morning, their Icelander friend has packed his bags and left the Hostel. The two remaining friends seek him out but cannot find him. Then, the second guy from group leaves, leaving the last one to fend for himself. In his attempt to find his friend, he is drawn into a sinister world filled with indescribable feelings and words. He is led to discover to what is really happening behind the Hostel, of which I will not disclose.

Stupid of me to watch this movie alone at 2am, since I could not sleep afterwards. I even had work the next day, but was so freaked out from this movie, I just could not go to sleep. It is a very creepy movie and makes you wonder if there are places like that as seen in Hostel. It's a creepy movie, a movie that will make you feel sick and disgusted in your stomach. It's not scary or horror as such, but it certainly leaves you feeling disturbed and uncomfortable.

Hostel. Watch it at your own risk.

Rated R, I must say, for heavy nudity in the beginning, but genuinely creepy and disturbing moments that linger long after you have seen the movie.

One small thing I will say: "Yolky Eye" and "Slit Ankles" (my worst nightmare!) That should give you an idea of what Hostel is really about!



Anonymous said...

how could you even think of endorsing this's like watching a porn movie in the beginning and then watching a snuff flick...didnt expect this from you mansur...

Anonymous said...

Well, I guess I will just have to watch the movie and let you know how I felt about it. Someone told me, if I could watch SAW and SAW2 then I shouldn't have a problem with Hostel.

Let's see..


Mansour said...

yeah, if you have seen SAW 1 and 2, then you should be ok. Like I said, I was not freaked out because it was scary, but I was freaked out because of the nature of this movie...the real possibility that the world shown in Hostel could actually exist in real life!


phaedrus said...

i agree with mansur, it's not that it was especially scary or bloody (saw was probubly more bloody than this movie) it's just that the whole premise is so disturbing. and lets get real, the reason it bothers us so much is because it's not that far-fetched of a storyline. it's totally likely that a place like this exists for the rich and powerful (isnt' there a strong corrolation between money and crazyness?). it's probubly not even in a place so's probubly in good ole U.S.!

Mansour said...

actually i was thinking about this movie and guess what clicked in my head...Hostel is actually guantanamo bay...with the way the US is treating the captives there..its the same way the rich treat the captives in the hostel...who said movies are not informative?


phaedrus said...

you know, we don't get any news on that subject here in the states. i'd love to hear what you've heard. even in my field, sometimes you hear tidbits of info on such and such lawyer knew someone who was able to speak to a prisoner in gb, but not really anything substantial.

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