Saturday, August 19, 2006

Lost 2

Hello friends,

Hands up if you haven't seen or heard about the TV show Lost?

I just finished watching the Season 2 of Lost on dvd and I am in love with this show more than ever. When I got the DVD box set, I was so excited I felt like watching it all in one go. IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN LOST SEASON 2, THEN YOU BETTER STOP READING NOW!

One of the more fun thing that happened in Lost 2 is how different people had met different people and they are connected. John is shown inspecting a house in flashback, and the house turns out to be Nadia's, Sayid's lover. Jin is courting a Korean guy and at the hotel where she meets him, the doorman is Jin, her future husband. Sawyer dines in a cafe, where the waitress turns out to be Kate's mother. Jack is exercising in a stadium, where he bumps into Desmond, who eventually ends up being the one in Hatch pushing the button.

Lost 2 goes on to explain what the "hatch" is, and who the guy is. The huge tension is that there is a button that needs to be pushed every 108 minutes, by feeding in a series of numbers, to save the world. Locke and Jack take over the initial responsibility to push the button.

We also follow the stories of Ana Lucia and her group of survivors, who were in the tail section of the plane. While they come across as a mean bunch of people, they are just as scared and lost as the survivors from the front section of the plane.

Clair revives her memory, and leads Kate and Libby to another secret hatch, where Claire remembers how she was kidnapped and treated with vaccine by doctors. Kate discovers a box with fake beard, prosthetics and theatre glue. More questions than answers!

John and Mr. Eko discover another hatch, which turns out to be an observation deck, with cameras showing what's happening in the hatch where the button has to be pushed.

The major development occurs when Michael is kidnapped by the Others, and he finally meets Walt for a while, who only mutters to his dad, "you are not who you say you are." Michael is asked to bring four of his friends to the Others, and Michael does just that, and betrays his four friends. This poses a dilemma for the viewers: did Michael really betray his friends, or did he do what any father would do for his son?

The Others claim they are "good people." Still trying to figure that out.

A sailboat comes ashore, with Desmond on it.

Sayid, Jin and Sun take the boat to the other side of the Island, where they see a statue of just a foot, with one toe and three fingers. What is a statue doing here? They also see a stone formation on top of the hill, the Black Rock.

New characters come in, especially Mr. Eko, who brings in a lot of religious symbology: building a church, carving scriptures on his staff, interpreting Charlie's dream, Baptizing Claire and her baby, and dealing with the Virgin Mary statues.

However, the most dramatic and most thrilling thing happens when John is determined to not push the button. That finally happens, with something weird happening on the Island, and the timer showing red hieroglyphics.

In Brazil, where it is snowing heavily, two people/scientists see a red light flashing, and inform Penny about it.

Oh, and that LOOK between Jack and Kate changed the whole meaning of the show.

That's it! Now I am ever so determined to be the first to see Lost 3. I want to know what happens to Jack, Kate and Sawyer as they are held captive by the Others, and I want to know all the answers to everything that's been happening on the Island.

I can go on and on and on about the so many connections and my theories on it, but I prefer to just sit back and take in whatever comes next, because Lost 2 is bigger and better than Lost 1 and I am hoping Lost 3 will be mind-blowingly spectacular.

Oh, by the way, the whole underlying theme of Lost is that "everything happens for a reason," something I firmly believe in, and it's interesting to see how different people on the Island react to the fate/ science debate.



Nash said...

I saw the first episode of LOST season one, and didnt really find it captivating... Anyway the show is a big success, got a lot of people hooked...

-OT- said...

I'm also an addicted Lost fan! *Sighhhh* I now have to wait months and months for Season III to start :(

The 2 things that confused me in Season II are:
1. What do the Others mean when they say they're the "Good guys"??
2. How exactly did the guys in Brazil know what to look for? And where to look?! I mean she paid them to find Desmond, but how did they know he'd be at a place where there's going to be a powerful magnetic field?! I dunno, this part is too confusing!!

Mansour said...

Here are some clues...

1. The chess game the two guys are playing is very important ties back to the concept of black/ white...remember Locke, who teaches Walt how to play Backgammon (black and white again) and that dream Claire has of Locke kidnapping the baby..and she seems him...his eyes are Black and the Others saying they are Good Guys could mean something like good guys vs bad guys, white vs black on chess...maybe...

2. The magnetic field only makes me think the island is a site for a nuclear reactor of some sorts...i don't know...

3. I am soooo curious to find out more about that LOOK between Jack and Kate..they know something is up...


Anonymous said...

Now that I completed watching season 2 of Lost, I can finally comment on this article. It was a GREAT season to watch, it took us two nights, (11pm to 6 am) to complete it all. Wow! It's truly very addictive, once you start, you just can't stop. I dread waiting for months before I can watch season 3.

I think the LOOK Jack exchanges with Kate was just a look to assure her that things would be ok, since he knows Sayid would come up with some plan to save them.

I also wonder if Michael and Walt are really safe, can they really leave the Island? Considering Desmond tried to leave and came right back to where he started from.

I am so curious to find out what happened to Mr. Eko and Locke. They were in the hatch when the so called explosion happened. Did they survive?

Ha..ha.. interesting to know Sun was diagnosed with Endometriosis (when the doc informs them she can't have kids!) Totally depressing. I need to go to this island. lool.

Goodness, I could ramble on for hours about this, but best to stop here.



LOST is the best tv show I've ever watched! I rate it No. 1.

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