Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Tagged by Tears and Rain

Hey friends,

Phaedrus over at Tears and Rain tagged me. So here goes:

1) if you could have dinner with any three people (except Mohammed, Jesus, Martin Luther King Jr, Ghandi) then who would they be? (don't say Mother Teresa either)

Let's see, well, for one it would be a certain friend who I lost 9 years ago. Two, my best friend in Riyadh, and thirdly, Princess Diana, to ask her how she managed to get so perfect at being a humanitarian (the fact that I have met her once only made me want to spend more time talking with her!)

1a) what would you eat?

Something like a juicy steak, be it chicken or beef, served with mashed potatoes, with gravy sauce, and then top it off with cheesecake for dessert.

1b) what restaurant would it be?

Well, it would be some place causal like Chilis, or something like it.

2) if you could force everyone in the world to read one book (except for the Quran or the Bible) what would it be?

Well, The Ice Candy Man, just so they can see what my country had to go through and can be more appreciative of how Pakistan was born.

3) is there a tv show you'd cancel dinner with your best friend for if you knew that a new episode was going to be airing once only? what is it?

Clearly that has to be Lost! I am on season 2 now, with the last five remaining episodes left!

4) if someone told you that you could only have one hobby/favorite pass time for the rest of your life, what would you pick?

Playing the guitar definitely.

5) which song is on the soundtrack of your life?

Turn Back the Clock by Johnny Hates Jazz and/or
Goodbye My Lover by James Blunt

6) How old were you when you had your first crush? who was it?

I was a mere a teenager, I think, when I realized how much I liked a certain girl, and for the sake of privacy, I won't name the girl's name. You can just keep on guessing...!

7) if you could read the thoughts of any one person, who would it be?

Let's see, my dad. Sometimes he doesn't say things out to me, and I wish I knew what he were thinking about me.

8) if you could block your thoughts from only one person, who would it be?

My boss! LOOL!

9) if you could choose between life on earth forever or going to heaven, which would you choose?

Heaven. The earth is too messed up for me.

10) when you die, what will your contribution to the world be?

My loyalty to my friends, my helping them out and the charity.

I know my answers seem really boring, and dull, but I am being honest.



phaedrus said...

awesome! (although you managed to clevely avoid some questions!!)

K Khan said...

Yo met Lady Di? Whats the story behind that?

Mansour said...

I was in Pakistan in 1995, when Princess Diana came to Lahore to help Imran Khan with his cancer hospital. Khan was married to Jemima at the time, and so Diana and Jemima were close friends at the time. So, my father had booked a table, the money went to hospital charity, and we all went. There, I got a chance to meet her and shake hands. I also have her autograph. Saving it for a rainy day when it should be worth a lot of money.


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