Friday, August 18, 2006

Yet Another Gay Wedding

Hey friends,

Since the last post was on failed marriages dealt with in a movie, imagine my shock when I read in Khaleej Times of another "gay wedding" in Saudi Arabia (Khaleej Times did not post this news online, it's only in print edition) If you remember, I posted about a gay wedding in Saudi Arabia last year. What is this coming to?



Anonymous said...

vomit! puke! throw up! gross!

HA! Entertainment said...

Anon, do you know that a homophobic may actually a person who had a hidden big gayness inside ? I think you're a homophobic. lol.

I once read about muslims in USA propossing religious legality in muslim gay and lesbian couples and marriage. I'm not a homophobic but I against them.

phaedrus said...

hey mansur, i read the article you linked...i'm wondering, they didn't make it clear, are these men being charged with "being gay" or sodomy? the reason i ask is that the article says that "being gay is punishable by death or flogging or jail....however. i think this is not true in islam...

in islam, "being gay" is not punishable. the crime that is punisable is sodomy. just like "having a boyfriend" is not punishable but committing adultry is. so, if you behave like a woman and hold hands with a guy, you can't be put to death for that. you must have had sex with a man. ALSO, VERY IMPORTANT: it's not enough to commit adultry or fornication or sodomy to be punished. you MUST be witnessed by 3 witnesses.

i could go on and on in the philosophy that is evident behind this rule. think about it: allah swt is saying ok, if you do this crime and hide it, i will deal with you later, but if you do it and are BRAZEN enough that 3 people see you, then you are getting punished on earth too!

so. unless they were all having sex with each other, i don't think it's right to use islam as a basis to punish them with death or flogging.

phaedrus said...
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phaedrus said...
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Mansour said...

this concept of bringing up witnesses to prove someone sodomized someone is a very tricky issue in Islam. In the same manner, a woman who is raped is asked to provide 4 witnesses to her rape. That's mighty difficult, isn't it? So in almost all cases the woman is the guilty one and the man is set free.

Can anyone shed any light on this "producing 4 witnesses" concept?


phaedrus said...

actually this is not true, and it is a misrepresentation of islam, in order to oppress women. the case of rape does not require 4 witnesses, and normal evidence applies. please see

Mansour said...

thanks for clearing that up phaedrus. appreciate it.


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