Monday, March 26, 2007

God's Will

Hello friends,

I have a burning question to ask.

Do you think it's possible God has willed it for me to not get married?

(According to my online research, most sites say it is desirable to marry, but should one find oneself in a situation where marriage is not for them, it's perfectly permissible for one to not marry. I am doing my research on this, because every single passing day, I am getting more and more convinced marriage is not for me-- not that I wanna sleep around-- but getting into a relationship/ having sex/ starting a family is not within my grasp-- and I am happier being on my own, and given my past, it's all the more difficult to get into a married life )



Anonymous said...

i think it's very much possible God has willed for us to not marry, but the Quran says that the singles should be married off. Society also gives a hard time to those who choose to stay single and not marry and often label the singles as freaks or something wrong with them. i suggest u pray over it, and seek answers.

phaedrus said...


i thought you wanted to get married?! don't give up mansur! the right person is out there! you just have to believe that good things will happen to you. and meanwhile be happy and MAKE good things happen.

allah says that he has created man and woman in pairs...there's some one for you.

Mansour said...

He pheadrus,

that was more a question in a discussion sense. I mean, our lives are already pre-destined, so God has a will for everything we do in our lives, and you do see unmarried people around you, and you only wonder what God intended for them. So I am just wondering if it's possible if God's will for me in my life is to stay single.


RR said...

Someone told me that its probably nearing khayamat- you know, end of the world. And one of the signs is that good people will find it hard to get married. I don't know much about this. But what I do know is that a person will get married only when he/she is mature enough - that's destiny. And if you don't get married now, you'll get married in Heaven, to the woman you never met on earth!! :)
Marriage is one thing that is not our choice. God chooses.

Mansour said...

Wait a minute, I thought I will get those so many virgins in heaven.... :-)

I see so many people around me who are single, and have aged gracefully. Circumstances didn't allow them to marry for various reasons, financial being a major one. But they are not complaining. Just like God has a destiny for some people to be married happily, to be married and get divorced, to re-marry divorcees, and to let some people stay single. Life is a test, isn't it?

I still think that while I should make every effort to find a girl to be my wife, there is still that little bit of possibility that maybe God has intended for me to stay single-- with which I am actualy quite happy! :-)

I see so many people around me go through divorce, bad marriages, unhappy people..and so few are genuinely happy, and makes me wonder like what Rider of Rohan said whether these situation is leading us closer to the Day of Judgment.


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