Thursday, June 14, 2007

17 Years Later

Hello friends,

I didn't know what my friend would look like. It would be 17years since I last saw him in Jeddah. It was quite a surprise when I received the phone call right out of the blue!

"Mansur, it's me Omair!"

I didn't have the words to react and all I could do was blurt out: OMAIR!

My mind was transported back to the early 90s when he was still there in Jeddah. Everything came back in seconds: the house, he and his family, the swimming pool we all swam in, the musical evenings we attended at his house and much much more. It was with much excitement and anticipation that I was waiting with to see him after 17 years.

Naturally, he was shocked to see me grown so tall, for he remembered me as a kid, when I was a mere 13years old, and shorter than him. I remembered him as being our big brother in school. He was also in a popular school play, and he had this role of a rock star, and so I kind of looked up to him as a big brother. Back to 2007, we had a lot of catching up to do. Since my parents were here too, he and I could not really catch up on a lot since. I told him directly: I need to lock you and I up in a solitary room and catch up on the last 17 years.

Last night, we went out for dinner, with another Jeddah friend. It was a lot of fun catching up and reminiscing old Jeddah memories, ranging from camel meat in Balad, to Conti school days, to Saudi Channel 2 to Jamel the Camel! I wish I could get into the details of all that we talked, but a lot of it was personal stuff.

Old Jeddah Buddies: Me, Mariam, Omair

17 years is a long time to meet up with an old Jeddah friend. Surely, it was the sweetest thing!


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