Thursday, July 29, 2010

Plane Crash in Pakistan...!

They are saying it’s the worst aviation disaster in the history of Pakistan. 152 people have died when the plane crashed into the Margalla Hills. No doubt the entire nation is in mourning and rightfully so. Flags will fly at half mast.

Speculations and conspiracies theories are flying all over the nation as to what really happened. Initial reports claimed the black box has been found which was later refuted. The president of the Pakistan Airlines Association has said that the crash was due to pilot’s fatigue. Others say it was the weather: rainy, foggy and little visibility. My father knew the pilot personally and had just met him a few days ago. He claimed the pilot was one of the best ones Pakistan has ever had.

I however, think about the passengers. No one survived! Those sitting at the window seats must be wondering why they are flying so low alongside the mountains. Those sitting in the middle seats would have no idea what’s really happening outside. A newly-married couple were on their way for their honeymoon. A father was traveling with his three children. Did the pilot make any announcement of any sorts to warn the passengers? Were the passengers aware of what was happening aboard the flight?

This crash reminded me of the movie Final Destination as there were 12 people who had paid for their tickets but decided not to get on the flight at the last minute. Now that’s fate! They must be numb with shock as to how closely they avoided death. I shudder to even think of what the passengers must have been through- the fear, anxiety, tension, sense of helplessness and total confusion.

The rescue operations arrived late at the scene. Instead civil volunteers made it to the crash site in hopes for rescuing any survivors. Those relatives who had come to receive their loved ones were played havoc with. First reports came in that there were 5 survivors. Everyone must have hoped their loved ones were the surviving ones. Then news came in there were 8 survivors. Maybe the relatives’ hopes escalated beyond belief. Then came the cruel news that no one survived. All hopes must have been crushed to the ground.

Accidents happen. Natural disasters strike. People die. But this plane crash is one cruel way to die.

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