Monday, October 25, 2004

The One about the Massacred Iraqi Soldiers

The bodies of some of the executed men who were ambushed and shot in the head in Iraq.

It is with a note of sadness that I write this entry. 49 Iraqi men were butchered by insurgents, who now claim to be a group led by Al-Zarqawi. What I did not understand was how an Iraqi group could choose to kill Iraqi men. I am hearing from different people that the insurgents are angry that the Iraqi soldiers were working with the US forces and were being trained with them. In other words, these Iraqi soldiers are working with the enemy. That may be an arguent and a justification purported by the insurgent group, but I dont agree with them.

These Iraqi soldiers are merely making a living. They have families to support. Jobs are scarce. There are women and children and parents to feed. They need money to have electricity, food, water, clothes and shelter. The conditions are such in the country that people are willing to work at whatever job they can get. So if the Iraqi men want to work for the National Army, what do the insurgents have a problem with? If the insurgents are not keen on having men work for the National Army, then they should support them! Groups like Al-Zarqawi should give these men an alternative jobs or money, instead of discouraging them to work for the National Army. Sure, these groups would love to have these men join their group to kill the invading coalition forces. But not every single Iraqi men is willing to do such a thing. There are some desperate people who are desperate to make money.

For sure, the country is in a mess. Even the higher authorities are admitting that the crisis has worsened. More people are dying. More bombinbgs are taking place, and one person even went as far as saying the the number of attacks on such groups of soldiers will increase in an effort to discourage voters to vote for Bush in the United States.

Lets all hope for a better future.

Take care friends,


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