Saturday, April 09, 2005


Hey all,

Have you ever felt lonely? Not lonely as is 'where are my friends?' but real lonely.

It's the kind of feeling you need from someone-- emotionally, physically, mentally, and maybe spiritually. It's the kind of feeling where when you come home, you want a pat on your back telling you 'well done.' Its the kind of feeling where you want to share happiness, and no one is there. Its when you want to shed a tear and tell someone what you are going through, but you cannot because no one is there. Its the kind of feeling where you feel rejected and hurt, and no one is there to help you get up on your two feet. It's the kind of feeling where no one appreicates all that you do. It's that moment when you are making chicken fajitas, and start wondering, 'who the heck am I making this for?' Its the kind of feeling where you are out shopping, and you want someone to be there to help you in your choice. I guess I can go on and on but wont.

If I can say so, I think loneliness is a big disease out there!



Anonymous said...

All i can say to ure EVERYDAY....why is life like there something wrong with us individuals who feel like this...or is it...just everyone...or is it that everyone feels and shows it at a different level so we never realise it...hmmmm....sometimes i just wish it didnt have to be like this....especially now that im living abroad its really hard...hmmm...take care all


Anonymous said...

common Mansur ..we all feel lonely in some casas ...but we have 2 be strong ...somtimes this can be so difficult and mske u feel worse ...but remember at least u tried 2 do sth ...right ???

Anonymous said...

You know... it just came to my mind, have you heard that song which goes something like this...

"I'm lonely, lonely, lonely,
I'm lonely, lonely in my life..."

Catchy song of my all time favorites. Listen to it if you get the chance. Sadly, I dont remember who sang it.

Take care... and think happy thoughts. Always appreciate what you have rather than what you dont. And something that helps me a great deal is to think of people who are worse off than me. Pray and keep the faith, all will work out for you.


Mansour said...

Hey guys

thanks for your support. I know ways to combat loneliness, and today I am happy and fine. It's just that some days I am so tired, I dont feel like carrying on-- everything seems so pointless. But I think I need to my focus on the end..meaning, I need to see the bigger picture! What on earth am I here for and what is the purpose of my life? I will share that with you in details soon!


Mansour said...

hey Z,

that song is Lonely by Nana, who is a black rapper. Ironically I was listening to that song as well. Its a nice song, but he uses the word *ss once in it and that puts me off!


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